X - I'm Sorry, Buzz

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(Okay then, enjoy :3)

After Kevin, Harry, and Marv walked through the park, the three made it to the middle of the park, the same place Kevin met Pigeon Lady. Kevin was nervous, obviously. Harry looked over at him.

H: Give me that bag!

Harry went through his bag and pulled out the pictures. He looked through them while tossing Kevin's bag aside as Marv held him.

H: These will look great in the photo album.

Harry shoved them in his pocket.

M: You may have won the battle, little dude, but you lost the war.

H: You shouldn't know how to mess with us, pal. We're dangerous.

Harry reached in his pocket and pulled out a gun.

H: I'm gonna enjoy this. I never made it to 6th grade, kid. And it doesn't look like you're gonna either

Harry suddenly perked up, raised his gun and shot in the direction that the person was running. Kevin immediately freaked out.



Buzz clutched his chest, which is where he got shot. He groaned as Harry forcefully slapped Kevin, shutting him up as he snickered. Kevin teared up slightly and shut his eyes as Harry laughed.

"I'm sorry, Buzz..-"


Kevin collapsed onto the ground next to his brother, instantly dying. Buzz crawled over and held his hand, not having enough strength to get them out of there.

'Kevin.... I'm so sorry...'

Harry walked over to Buzz. Buzz looked at Harry before laying his head on the ground as he held his brother's hand.




Kate was being held back by three police officers as she cried and screamed for Kevin and Buzz. The two were being put on stretchers by medics and being taken away while the bandits were being taken to jail. Kate broke down crying in the officer's arms as she couldn't get away from them and get to her sons no matter how hard she tried. One of the female officers went over and hugged Kate, letting her cry it out. When Peter and the other McCallisters arrived, they immediately froze or went to comfort Kate, who was bawling. Peter stumbled back and passed out as he ended up getting a glimpse of both of his sons' bodies. Everyone immediately freaked out and went to check on Peter to make sure he was okay.

This prompted Kate to flee to see her sons one last time before the cops could stop her. She saw their bodies and their wounds. She cried for a split second before looking away and puking. As much as she wanted to look at her sons and hold them till the end of time, she had a weak stomach. This was also the first time she saw a dead body. Well... Two in this case. She was wondering what she could have done to prevent this from happening. Maybe gave them more attention? Made sure they were on the right flight? Arrived to the park earlier? Just anything. Anything different could have saved their lives.

K: I failed as a mother... I'm terrible...

She puked again. She couldn't keep it in after what she just saw. She realized how bad it really was. How bad their wounds were and that they were unsurvivable. She didn't even get to wish them a Merry Christmas. She didn't even get to talk to them one last time. She couldn't handle the fact that she knew both her sons were dead. Just gone. Never to be seen again.

She laughed. She immediately knew that she would do whatever it took to bring her sons murders to shame. It didn't matter what she did, she'd do it. And she would NOT stop until they were basically begging her for mercy. Two officers went over to her and patted her back to see if she was okay. She shook her head.


Kate broke down into tears again as they hugged her, trying to calm her down. Jeff and Megan stood by each other, just in complete shock as they watched the commotion.

J: I know that Kevin and Buzz were jerks but... But they didn't deserve to die...

M: I know... I knew they were in danger the moment I noticed they weren't with us at the airport... I didn't realize that they were in deadly danger...

J: Yeah... I still loved them, despite how annoying they could be...

Jeff wiped a tear away.

J: It's not fair... Why did it have to be them!?

Megan pulled Jeff into a hug.

M: Calm down... I agree... I don't know why it had to be them... But we can't change the past, as much as we want to...

Megan teared up and Jeff hugged her back. They both started crying in each others arms as Linnie ran over and joined the hug.

L: I hate to admit it... But Kevin and Buzz were good kids... We all liked them, no matter how much we didn't want to say it...

M: We know, Linnie... We know...

They cried in each others arms as the everything went on behind them.


Kevin and Buzz both died that day, Kevin when he was shot the first time in the heart and Buzz when he was shot the second time in the head. The McCallisters, along with some school friends and Buzz's girlfriend, attended their funeral. Kate didn't stop crying her eyes out and even went as far as to starve herself for acting so stupid. Peter, on most occasions, fed her. Jeff, Linnie, and Megan were never happy after their siblings were gone. The whole family became depressed and their school held a memorial for the loss of two of their students. Despite the fact that no one really got along with Kevin, everyone still missed him because it just wasn't the same knowing that you'll never see him ever again. Although, all wasn't lost. Kate and Peter got to keep something the cops found on Buzz and Kevin. 

Both their pairs of their precious Turtle Doves.




(I'M NTO CRYING YOU ARE 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭 😭)

(There's two other endings you can read. If you don't want to, skip to either Image Dump or The End) 

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