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Hi, this is Dr.Evelina Dankworth. I'm a cardiac student. My life is totally simple as I'm working on my goals. And now I'm going to canteen to eat,as it's our lunch time.

Hi, scar(well Scarlett is Evelina's bestfriend)

Hi elin, let's eat,oh I'm so hungry.

Yeah yeah,

You know I've a lot of things to say. (She said while chewing her food)

Okk okk first eat then say,(she nodded after completing her food then said)

You know my brother became the new CEO of our company.(She said excitedly)

Okk but Walter is a politician.

Yeah I know he is, but you know hunter oppa ,my elder brother

Yeah but you said he is in Florida.

But he cameback from there and will live here permanently. So grandpa arranged a big party for him and you are also invited.

I can't scar

I knew that you will not going to attend but you will have to come as grandpa specially invited your father so ofcourse you will come.(Actually Evelina's father works at Scarlett's grandpa's company or should I say Hunter's company)

Okay ok I will come then,

Yeah 👍🏻

Then they went to do their work.

Hunter's pov,

Oh god finally I'm back to my home. But I can feel that there are some reason that's why grandpa suddenly gives his position his position to me.

Tring tring (hehehe 😅 calling ringtone)


Big b where are you?

In the car.

Okk come we all are waiting for you.


In the house,

My son, come sit. (Her mother said with excitement)


Then he sat on the couch. Walter came out from his room and sat beside him. And whisper in his ear.

I've a lot's of things to say to you.

About what.(He whispered back)

Meet me alone in the backyard.


What you both brother's are talking?(Their mother asked while coming a lot's of food in a plate)

Nothing mom just want to go on a long drive with big b thats why I'm asking him if he will come or not.

O okay. Now Hunter baby complete the food.

What about me mom?am I not your son?

Stop your drama Walter. I don't know how you become a politician.and eat your food.


In the backyard,

So what you wanted to talk to me?

As I become the politician so you are the only heir of the company.

Yeah so,

So ofcourse now they will want you to get married,but I know you don't want to. But the sad news is you will have to get married.

But I don't want. Why can't they understand.

But there are no option left and one more thing, they even decided your future partner.

What without my consent.

Yeah, don't you want to know who is she?

No I don't want.

But let me tell you that she is Stella Hughes, our family friend Mr. Hughes daughter,

What that whore. Well I can't.

You have to. Who asked you to not be be in a relationship.

Well you know how busy I was on my college days.

I know you were but see what comes in your fate. A whore.(Well let me tell you Stella Hughes is a girl who just love to f**k boys in her choice,or should I say she changed her bed partner like a dress)

Walter don't cross your limit. If I want then I can cancel this marriage things.

Yeah yeah let's see what happens.(Walter said and then went back to their house. Meanwhile Hunter kept thinking that why they want him to get married.)

In the evening,

All family members are sitting in the hall.

As you all are present I need to say something to you all.(Grandpa says)

As I am getting old so ofcourse I can't control all our company so I'm giving my position to Hunter. You all know that I never forced anyone to do anything in my way. My son wanted to be a politician I let him, even my middle grandson did the same.but I have no problem with it. My youngest daughter wanted to become a doctor I also let her do that. But my elder grandson is the one who followed in my way. I like it. But not again a big problem came and the problem is he became 29 years young bachelor but still single. So as he can't found anyone till now so I think he should get married in our choice. Is it okay for everyone.

No(Hunter said)


Because I don't want. And why you me to get married.

Ask this to your father.

Dad y-you

Yes son. Actually you are old enough to get married and the main thing is we want babies from you so-

But Walter and Scarlett can also do this, but why me?

Because you are the eldest and Walter has girlfriend so whenever they will get married then they will have kids. And about Scarlett she is still young to include her in this matter. So what do you think.

Yes that's makes sense but I can't love her.

Who told you to?(His father said with no emotion but his grandpa can feel that his son don't want Hunter to get married like this so he said)

I'm not saying this to anyone just our close friends will know about it.

If he fall for a girl even after having his fiancee then what will you do grandpa (Walter said)

He can't fall for anyone (Scarlett said)

Okk so if he ever fall for anyone then I will let him to marry her. Okk so now my conversation is complete. So I'm going to my room. Call me when the dinner will be ready.

(With that he went to his room, then Charles, means Hunter's dad went behind him)

Mom I can't

Sorry son I can't do anything.


Let's see what will happen in the next part. What do you think that how Hunter and Evelina will meet with eachother?

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