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**Freya’s POV**

Freya couldn’t help but reflect on how much their lives had changed since college. Back then, she, Hannah, and Crystal had been inseparable, navigating the ups and downs of university life together. She remembered the day Hannah introduced them to Nicholas Steele—a charming, charismatic man who seemed to be the perfect match for Hannah. Little did they know, his true nature would bring so much pain.

Freya was lost in thought when her phone buzzed with a message from Crystal.

**Crystal:** “Hey, can we meet up later today? I have some news.”

Freya quickly replied, agreeing to meet at their favorite café. She had a feeling that whatever Crystal had to share would be significant.

When Freya arrived at the café, she spotted Crystal already seated, her expression a mix of determination and concern. Freya joined her, eager to hear the news.

“Thanks for coming, Freya,” Crystal began. “I wanted to talk about Nicholas. I’ve been working on gathering evidence against him, and I think we finally have enough to take legal action.”

Freya’s eyes widened. “That’s incredible, Crystal. Does Hannah know?”

“I haven’t told her yet,” Crystal admitted. “I wanted to discuss it with you first. I know how much this means to her, and I want to make sure we handle it delicately.”

Freya nodded. “She’s come so far, and this could be a huge step in getting closure. Let’s talk to her together.”

They finished their coffee, and Freya couldn’t help but feel a sense of anticipation. They were on the brink of achieving justice for Hannah, and she hoped this would be a turning point in their journey.

**Crystal’s POV**

Crystal watched Freya leave, her mind racing with thoughts of the past. She remembered their college days fondly, the three of them inseparable. Crystal had always admired Hannah’s strength and resilience, even more so now that she had escaped Nicholas’s clutches.

Crystal had never been close to Nicholas’s friends—Jackson Ville, Denim Jax, and Felix Ryker—but she knew they had been a tight-knit group. As she delved deeper into Nicholas’s past, she found herself crossing paths with them more often than she liked.

Later that day, Crystal decided to pay a visit to Sander Montefalco, Hannah’s childhood friend. She had learned that he and Hannah had reconnected recently, and she hoped he could provide some additional support.

Sander greeted her warmly, inviting her into his home. “Crystal, it’s good to see you. What brings you here?”

“I wanted to talk to you about Nicholas,” Crystal said, getting straight to the point. “I’ve gathered enough evidence to take legal action against him, and I was hoping you could support Hannah through this.”

Sander’s expression hardened at the mention of Nicholas’s name. “I’ll do anything to help Hannah. She’s been through enough, and it’s time she got the justice she deserves.”

Crystal felt a sense of relief. With Sander’s support, they had another ally in their fight against Nicholas.

**Sander’s POV**

Sander watched Crystal leave, his mind replaying the memories of his childhood with Hannah. They had been so close back then, sharing dreams and secrets. When her family moved to the city, he had been devastated. Reconnecting with her in college had been a stroke of fate, but seeing the pain Nicholas had caused her filled him with anger.

Determined to help, Sander reached out to Hannah, arranging to meet her at a quiet park they used to visit as kids. When she arrived, he could see the traces of the trauma she had endured, but also the strength she had gained.

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