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**Hannah’s POV**

As Hannah lay in bed that night, the events of the day still fresh in her mind, she found herself drifting back to happier times with Nicholas. Before the darkness, there had been moments of light—memories that were now bittersweet.

She remembered the first time they met during their sophomore year of college. It was at a campus event, a charity fundraiser. Hannah had been volunteering, helping to set up tables and decorations. Nicholas, with his easy smile and infectious charisma, had caught her eye immediately.

**Flashback to College Years**

“Need a hand?” Nicholas asked, his grin widening as he approached Hannah, who was struggling with a particularly stubborn banner.

She looked up, slightly flustered but grateful. “Yes, please! This thing has a mind of its own.”

Nicholas laughed, his eyes twinkling. Together, they managed to secure the banner, their hands brushing occasionally. There was an instant connection, a spark that neither of them could deny.

After the event, Nicholas invited Hannah to grab a coffee. They spent hours talking, discovering shared interests and dreams. Nicholas was studying business, with aspirations of starting his own company. Hannah was majoring in marketing, and their conversations flowed effortlessly from one topic to another.

**Freya’s POV**

Freya had always been wary of Nicholas, even in the beginning. But she couldn’t deny the joy she saw in Hannah’s eyes during those early days. The three of them—Hannah, Freya, and Nicholas—would often hang out together, creating memories that Hannah cherished.

Freya remembered one particular weekend when they had taken a spontaneous trip to the coast. The sun had been shining, the waves crashing against the shore. Nicholas and Hannah had spent the day playing in the surf, building sandcastles, and sharing ice cream cones. Freya had watched them, capturing candid photos of their laughter and carefree moments.

“Freya, come join us!” Nicholas had called, dragging her into their sandcastle-building competition. They had laughed until their sides hurt, the worries of the world far away.

**Crystal’s POV**

Crystal had been part of those happy memories too. She recalled study sessions in the library, late-night food runs, and movie marathons in their dorm rooms. Nicholas had always been the life of the party, his energy infectious.

One memory stood out vividly in Crystal’s mind. It was the night of the college spring formal. Hannah had been nervous, unsure about her dress and her dancing skills. But Nicholas had reassured her, his charm easing her worries.

“You look stunning,” he had whispered, taking her hand as they entered the ballroom. They had danced the night away, the world around them fading into a blur of music and laughter. Crystal remembered the look of pure happiness on Hannah’s face as she twirled in Nicholas’s arms.

**Hannah’s POV**

Hannah couldn’t help but smile at the memory of that night. Nicholas had been so attentive, so loving. It was hard to reconcile that man with the one who had caused her so much pain. But those happy memories were real, and they had shaped a part of who she was.

She recalled the long walks they took around campus, hand in hand, talking about everything and nothing. They had shared dreams of the future, plans for their careers, and hopes for a life together. Nicholas had been her rock during stressful exam periods, his words of encouragement keeping her going.

**Sander’s POV**

Sander had met Nicholas a few times during college, always in the context of group activities or events. He remembered a particular picnic in the park where they had all gathered, a lazy Sunday afternoon filled with laughter and games. Nicholas had been the one organizing the activities, ensuring everyone had a good time.

“Sander, you’ve got to join the relay race!” Nicholas had insisted, his enthusiasm contagious. They had raced across the park, collapsing in a heap of laughter and grass stains at the finish line. It had been a day of pure joy, a glimpse into the happier side of Nicholas.

**Jackson Ville’s POV**

Jackson reminisced about their college days, when the group of friends was inseparable. He recalled nights spent in their favorite bar, sharing stories and dreams over pitchers of beer. Nicholas had always been the charismatic leader, the one who brought everyone together.

One night, after a particularly grueling round of exams, Nicholas had proposed a toast. “To surviving another semester! And to the best friends anyone could ask for.” They had clinked glasses, the camaraderie and love for each other palpable.

**Denim Jax’s POV**

Denim remembered the road trips they took, just for the sake of adventure. Nicholas had always been the one driving, his sense of direction surprisingly good despite the spontaneous detours. They had explored small towns, discovered hidden diners, and camped under the stars.

One trip stood out—the weekend they spent at a cabin in the mountains. It had been winter, and the snow was thick on the ground. They had built snowmen, had snowball fights, and sat around a roaring fire in the evenings. Nicholas had made sure everyone felt included, his laughter echoing through the crisp night air.

**Felix Ryker’s POV**

Felix thought back to the study group sessions where Nicholas had been both the motivator and the distraction. They had spent countless hours in the library, pouring over textbooks and notes. Nicholas had a way of making even the most mundane study session fun.

“Alright, guys, let’s take a break,” Nicholas would say, producing a deck of cards or suggesting a quick run to the campus café. Those breaks often turned into mini-adventures, filled with laughter and camaraderie.

**Hannah’s POV**

As Hannah lay there, recalling these happy memories, she realized that they were an important part of her story. They reminded her of the good times, of the person she had once loved. But they also underscored how far she had come, how much she had grown since then.

Nicholas had been a significant chapter in her life, but it was just that—a chapter. She had many more to write, filled with hope, strength, and the love of friends who had stood by her through thick and thin.

With a deep breath, Hannah let the memories wash over her, acknowledging the past while embracing the future. She knew that with Freya, Crystal, Sander, and her newfound resilience, she could face anything that came her way.

And so, with a sense of peace, Hannah drifted off to sleep, ready to continue her journey of healing and self-discovery.

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