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**Nicholas's POV**

Nicholas sat alone in his small, dark apartment, the weight of recent events pressing down on him like a suffocating blanket. He had never imagined his life would spiral out of control like this. From the heights of success and love to the depths of betrayal and isolation, it was a fall he couldn't quite comprehend.

**Flashback to College Years**

He remembered the first time he saw Hannah, her smile lighting up the room. She had been different from the other girls—confident, intelligent, and fiercely independent. Nicholas had been instantly drawn to her, captivated by her spirit and determination.

Their relationship had started out as a whirlwind romance, fueled by passion and shared dreams. He had believed they were destined for greatness together, that nothing could tear them apart. But somewhere along the way, things had started to unravel.

**Early Signs of Control**

Nicholas recalled the first time he felt the need to assert control over Hannah. It had been a minor disagreement, something insignificant blown out of proportion. He couldn't even remember what had sparked the argument, only that he had needed to prove his dominance.

"You need to listen to me, Hannah," he had said, his voice firm but tinged with frustration. "I know what's best for us."

At first, he had convinced himself it was for her own good—that he was protecting her, guiding her towards a better future. But as time went on, his need for control only grew stronger, fueled by his insecurities and fear of losing her.

**Escalation of Abuse**

The abuse had started subtly, a harsh word here, a controlling gesture there. He never meant to hurt her, not really. But when stress and pressure mounted, he found himself lashing out, unable to contain the anger and frustration that simmered beneath the surface.

Nicholas remembered the first time he had laid hands on Hannah, the shock and regret that had followed. It had been a moment of weakness, an explosion of pent-up emotions that he couldn't control. He had apologized profusely afterward, promising it would never happen again.

But promises were empty when his need for control overpowered his love for her. Each incident left him feeling more ashamed and powerless, trapped in a cycle of guilt and denial.

**Realization and Denial**

As the years passed, Nicholas had become adept at rationalizing his behavior. He convinced himself that Hannah provoked him, that she needed his guidance and discipline. He never saw himself as an abuser—just a man trying to keep his life together, to maintain the image of success and authority he had built.

"It's her fault," he would tell himself after each argument, each violent outburst. "If only she would listen to me, none of this would happen."

Deep down, he knew he was wrong. He knew he had crossed lines that should never be crossed, that his actions had caused irreparable harm to the woman he once loved more than anything.

**Confrontation and Consequences**

The day of the trial had been a waking nightmare for Nicholas. Seeing Hannah on the stand, recounting the horrors of their marriage, had shattered the façade he had carefully constructed. He had watched as his friends turned away, unable to meet their accusing gazes.

"You're lying!" he had shouted in a fit of desperation, his voice cracking with emotion. "She's lying!"

But deep down, he knew the truth. He had become the monster he never thought he could be, and now he was facing the consequences of his actions.

**Reflection and Regret**

Now, as Nicholas sat alone in his apartment, the reality of his situation sank in. He had lost everything—his marriage, his friends, his reputation. And worst of all, he had lost himself.

"I never wanted this," he whispered to the empty room, his voice filled with regret and self-loathing. "I never wanted to hurt her."

But the words rang hollow in the silence. He had hurt Hannah in ways he could never take back, and now he had to live with the consequences.

**Facing the Future**

Nicholas knew he had a long road ahead of him—a road that would require introspection, accountability, and a willingness to change. He couldn't undo the past, but he could strive to become a better man, to confront his demons and seek redemption.

As he stared out the window into the darkness of the night, Nicholas made a silent vow to never let himself become that person again. He didn't know if he could ever forgive himself for what he had done, but he knew he had to try.

And so, with a heavy heart and a glimmer of hope, Nicholas began to face the future—one step at a time.

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