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**Hannah’s POV**

Hannah felt a sense of surreal calm as she prepared for the court proceedings. The day had finally arrived when Nicholas would face justice for the torment he had inflicted upon her. She had Freya by her side, Sander offering his unwavering support, and even Crystal, who had proven to be a steadfast ally. She took a deep breath, steeling herself for what lay ahead.

As they entered the courthouse, Hannah felt a mixture of anxiety and determination. She saw Nicholas standing with his lawyer, his expression unreadable. His presence still sent shivers down her spine, but she refused to let fear control her anymore.

Hannah’s lawyer guided her through the proceedings, reassuring her at every step. The trial was intense, with both sides presenting their evidence and witnesses. Freya, Crystal, and Sander all testified on her behalf, each recounting the impact Nicholas’s abuse had on her life.

When it was her turn to take the stand, Hannah felt her heart pounding in her chest. She looked over at Freya, who gave her a reassuring nod. Drawing strength from her friends and her own resolve, Hannah began to tell her story.

“I loved Nicholas,” she said, her voice steady but filled with emotion. “But that love turned into a nightmare. He controlled me, isolated me, and made me feel worthless. I’ve come a long way since then, and I’m here today to take back my life.”

As she spoke, she saw the reactions of the people in the courtroom. Some were shocked, others sympathetic. But most importantly, she saw Nicholas’s cold façade begin to crack. He could no longer hide from the truth.

**Freya’s POV**

Freya watched Hannah on the stand, her heart swelling with pride. Seeing her friend confront Nicholas so bravely filled Freya with a renewed sense of purpose. She had been there for Hannah through the darkest times, and now, she was witnessing her reclaim her life.

When the trial finally concluded, the judge’s verdict came as a wave of relief. Nicholas was found guilty of abuse and sentenced to prison. Justice had been served, and Hannah was free from his shadow.

As they left the courthouse, Freya wrapped Hannah in a tight embrace. “You did it, Hannah. You’re free.”

Hannah nodded, tears streaming down her face. “I couldn’t have done it without you, Freya. Thank you for everything.”

**Crystal’s POV**

Crystal felt a sense of closure as she watched Nicholas being led away in handcuffs. Her decision to help Hannah had not only been about righting the wrongs of her brother but also about finding redemption for herself. She approached Hannah and Freya, her expression one of genuine warmth.

“I’m so proud of you, Hannah,” Crystal said, embracing her friend. “You’ve shown incredible strength.”

Hannah smiled through her tears. “Thank you, Crystal. Your support has meant the world to me.”

They walked out of the courthouse together, the weight of the past beginning to lift. Crystal knew there was still a lot of healing to be done, but they had taken the first crucial step toward a brighter future.

**Sander’s POV**

Sander felt a mix of relief and joy as he watched Hannah step out of the courthouse, free at last from Nicholas’s grip. He had always admired her strength, and seeing her stand up to her abuser had only deepened his respect for her.

“Hannah,” he called, catching up to her. “I knew you could do it.”

Hannah turned to him, her eyes shining with gratitude. “Thank you, Sander. For everything.”

Sander smiled, feeling a sense of fulfillment. “You’ve always been a fighter, Hannah. I’m just glad I could be here for you.”

As they walked away from the courthouse, Hannah felt a newfound sense of hope. With her friends by her side, she knew she could face whatever challenges lay ahead.

**Jackson Ville’s POV**

Jackson stood outside the courthouse, watching as Nicholas was taken away. It had been a difficult journey, but he felt a sense of peace knowing that justice had been served. He approached Hannah, his expression sincere.

“Hannah, I’m sorry for everything,” Jackson said. “I should have seen the signs earlier.”

Hannah looked at him, her eyes kind. “Thank you, Jackson. It means a lot that you stood up for what’s right.”

Jackson nodded, feeling a sense of closure. He had taken a stand, and now he could move forward, knowing he had done the right thing.

**Denim Jax’s POV**

Denim watched the scene unfold, feeling a mixture of emotions. He had always been loyal to Nicholas, but seeing the truth of his actions had changed everything. He approached Hannah, his expression remorseful.

“Hannah, I’m so sorry for what you went through,” Denim said. “I hope you can find peace now.”

Hannah gave him a small smile. “Thank you, Denim. I appreciate your support.”

As Denim walked away, he felt a weight lift from his shoulders. He had finally done the right thing, and it was time to move forward.

**Felix Ryker’s POV**

Felix stood with Jackson and Denim, feeling a sense of unity in their decision to support Hannah. They had all been complicit in some way, but now, they were working to make amends. He approached Hannah, his expression earnest.

“Hannah, you’re incredibly brave,” Felix said. “Thank you for giving us a chance to do the right thing.”

Hannah nodded, her eyes filled with gratitude. “Thank you, Felix. Your support means a lot.”

As they all walked away from the courthouse, there was a sense of closure and hope in the air. They had faced their past, and now, they were ready to build a future free from the shadows of Nicholas Steele.

**Freya’s POV**

Freya and Hannah returned to the apartment, the weight of the day’s events finally settling in. They sat on the balcony, the city lights twinkling below.

“This is just the beginning, you know,” Freya said, a smile playing on her lips. “There’s so much more ahead for you, for us.”

Hannah nodded, a sense of peace washing over her. “I know. And I’m ready for it.”

As they sat together, watching the world go by, Freya felt a sense of contentment. They had faced the storm and come out stronger. Together, they could face anything that came their way.

And with that, they looked toward the future, filled with hope, strength, and endless possibilities.

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