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I was sitting in the center of the bed, my feet tucked tightly under me as I stared at myself in the mirrors at the foot of Ari's bed.

It's unsettling how many mirrors there are, how many angles of my broken mentality I see. I couldn't escape it, not ever, not in Ari's room. Yet, I found myself not wanting to run from it. I wanted to sit and live in the pain I was feeling because I wanted it to be over. I didn't want to live like this forever. It had only been a day, but the day was agonizing, it was punishing and I was so tired. And I still hadn't heard from my older brother, who I needed more than anything in the world. He's been radio silent, and I'm forced to endure the cruel reality alone.

The door cracked open, and yellow light spilled into the bedroom from the hallway, but I couldn't take my eyes off the mirror, off the broken girl who was sitting there. Once so full of life, now just a shell of the person she once was.

Eliana came into view, her blonde hair so pale it was nearly silver. She was stunning, nearly a carbon copy of Ari, and I found myself wondering what side of his family she came from. Was it his mother that he took after? Or was it his father? I guess it truly didn't matter, they were blessed by genes that the rest of us could only hope for. Eliana approached me like I was a scared puppy, moving slowly as if to not spook me. I don't think I can feel fear anymore, not true fear. But I appreciated the sentiment, although a few words would've sufficed and I would've allowed her into my brain, if even for a moment, just so she could help.

See, she thinks I don't know who she is, and well, she would be right for the most part. I don't know her favorite food, movie, or color. But I know my father paid for her college education when I denied going. I knew that she was studying psychology, I remember my father mentioning going to her graduation. And I wasn't dumb, I knew she was trying to spend time with me to see where my head was at. How damaged I was. And I hated that's what my life had come to, but I am damaged, I lost my family, my best friend, and my little sister. It's hard to come to terms with that.

The mattress sunk as Eliana sat on the bed beside me, not touching me, just close enough I could see her in the mirror. My eyes caught on hers, where Ari had these beautiful crystal blue eyes, Eliana's were a deep blue, almost like the ocean. She took a deep breath, almost as if she was scared to speak to me. "How are you?"

The corner of my mouth twitched into a pathetic half-smile, "My family was murdered in front of me practically, how do you think I'm doing?"

She crinkled her nose, a small laugh leaving her lips, "In hindsight, that was a terrible question," I smiled at her, "I just was trying to break the ice."

I couldn't help the actual laugh that left my mouth, the sound foreign even after a day. But that made Eliana smile as she looked at me and I folded my hands in my lap after, shaking my head as I stared at the cracked nails from where I was chewing on them, "I'm okay, I think. It's just a lot to process. Either way, I'll be okay."

Eliana hummed thoughtfully, tapping her fingers against her sweat-covered thighs, "Elio and Ari are gone into the city tonight," I nodded, "You don't have to sit trapped in his room. If you want," she paused, looking at me again, "And please you are under no obligation to say yes," another shaky breath. Did I make her nervous? I didn't mean to. "We can have a movie night or even just a girl's night, I love to do nails and bake, we can do that if you want?"

I nodded at her, seeing her eyes widen. "As long as you promise not to treat me like a scared puppy."

"I'm sorry," there was shame in her tone, "Ari's just really protective of you, and I don't want to do anything that could upset you, because then he's upset and he is the worst when he's pissed off," I smiled at her rant, "Like if you could imagine a teddy bear with a lion's personality when mad, that's Ari."

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