qualified bank

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today was probably one of the most biggest matches and important ones of jeys career, tonight he would be having a money in the bank qualifying match and you were nervous out of your mind, jey getting screwed out of opportunities is always one thing that scared you and this one, this was a big one

"baby you don't understand!" you said almost raising your voice as you looked at jey with ur arms crossed

you raising your voice at jey is well, let's say one thing that never ended up ending well at all

"ma I respect you and I love you, you know this but this attitude and tone needs to change" he said as he looked you up and down and you crossed ur arms

"I don't know if it's shark week, if I did something, if your upset, but please baby, please change your attitude for me at least" he said as he looked at you and you sighed

"I guess I'm just scared because I know how much being a singles star means to you and how much you wanna get your first singles title and I'm just upset because I'm scared there gonna screw it up for you" you said looking down at the floor and he chuckled

you quickly looked up at him with a puzzled look on your face

"hey baby you sound just like everyone else on social media" he said looking at you and your face dropped but he kept going

"baby it's okay, i understand how you feel, I understand why your upset and why your nervous, but mama you gotta trust me, and I agree they give me these opportunities and I sometimes come up short but you have to understand it's all part of the final step to the gold" he said looking at you and you took a breath

"I'm okay with my girl being worried about me and nervous but this attitude is not for me at all" he said looking at you and you laughed

"okay I'll change it" you said and he smiled

"that's my girl" he said pulling you in for a hug and kissing your forehead

"now I have a money in the bank qualifying match to go win so please walk with me" he said looking at you and you smiled as you walked him down to the gorilla

"regardless of anything, I love you" he said kissing you

"I love you more" you said before he made his way  down to the ring

you stood there and just hopped and hopped that he would win







you couldn't help the smile off your face,you were jumping up and down with joy you were so happy

you saw jey grab a mic on the tv and you smiled

"aye baby come out here" he said and you smiled as you walked through the curtains and down the ramp and into the ring

"I told you so" he said before kissing you

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