jealous gaze pt 3.

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today you guys were in green bay, it was the second to last raw before summerslam and you were ready to cause chaos tonight
7:25 pm
you sat in ur locker room as you watched the tv show the judgment day in there locker room and you were glaring when you heard rhea start to get defensive of jey

why can't it just click in his head? your the right pick not her

you smirked as you knew damn well you were gonna cause drama tonight

and when you saw jey walking alone in the hallway you laughed as you stood up leaving ur locker room

"jey jey" you said as you leaned against the wall waiting to get his attention and you smiled when you saw he noticed you

"oh my god can't you just leave me alone y/n?" he said walking over to you and you smiled

"but what would be the fun in doing all that" you said looking at him with a smug grin on ur face

"okay whatever but what do you want" he said and you smiled

"I just wanted to see how you were doing that's all" you said and he stared at you blankly

it's like he could read ur mind knowing you were just trying to cause drama

"I have to go get ready for my match" he said and you signed

"oh okay" you said and he just walked off right past you

you stood there for a minute watching him walk back to his locker room before you groaned then ran ur hands through ur hair then making your way back to your locker room
once you got back to ur locker room you sat there and you thought about how you could stir the pot tonight and make more drama

you were then snapped out of your thoughts when you looked up at the tv and saw that rhea, liv, dom and jey were all the ring so you got up smirking as you fixed ur fit and left ur locker room making your way down to the gorilla

you got to the gorilla and grabbed a mic before ur music hit and you walked through the curtain and down the ramp and into the ring

"what is she doing here!"  rhea yelled into the mic as she looked you down with nothing but pure annoyance and anger in her eyes

"oh rhea my sweet girl I just wanted to come and join the party whats so bad about that?" you said as you smirked looking at her

"no no no your not here for that, your here to be a wuss and cause problems like you always do" she said as she looked at you and you laughed

"nah what im here to tell you is, you should be the one who should stop be so self centered" you said as you looked at her

"what, what is that supposed to mean" she said as she raised her eyebrows looking at you

"that means you should be more focused on ur championship match because when he leaves you for liv *you said as you pointed at liv and dom* and he stops trying to get ur attention *you said pointing at jey* and goes for someone like me *you said as you smirked doing a spin* that maybe everyone is out for there revenge on you" you said smirking at jey then blowing rhea a kiss and getting out of the ring

but as you made ur way up there ramp and almost exiting the curtain

you swear you saw a smirk on jeys face as he looked right at you

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