S1 Ep3 I was a Teenage Abomination

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Another day, another opportunity to explore the Boiling Isle. The sun shined brightly over the horizon as Eda had taken Luke with her to the beach. The human boy is eager to learn magic only for it to be replaced with disgust with what Eda presents along with King.

Eda: Well, Luke! Did you ever in your life think you'd see something as breath-taking as this?

Lying on the beach in front of them was the carcass of a dead giant worm with the characteristics of a leech.

Its body was cylindrical and tapered towards the tail

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Its body was cylindrical and tapered towards the tail. Its mouth was a jawless orifice lined with large, pointed teeth and ringed by five stubby feeding tentacles that were used to grasp food and protect the mouth when not feeding.Large eyes were spread across its back and head, and large black spines ran along the back between the eyes located on the head and those on the back.

Coloration was dark green across the dorsal surface and light green on its ventral side, divided into segments like annelid worms.

Luke:[pinches his nose] It's breath taking alright! This thing reeks so bad it's taking away my ability to breathe.

Eda: Yes, it doesn't get much more inspiring than the trash slug. It makes a home, a life from what others have thrown by the wayside[She pulls a rubber chicken from the trash slug's mouth] Until, blam! It gets blasted by a wave one day and croaks from all the salt. And then we get to sell the stuff it ate.

She offers Luke a pickaxe but he slowly pushes it away with narrowed eyes.

Luke: I think I'll pass. As much as I would love to look for treasure, I'm not going to dig through the remains of a slug if I can avoid it.

King:[walks away to unfurl a towel to lie down in] Aw, come on, Luke. It's not every day you get to go to the dump and pick apart a garbage carcass.

Luke: Dude, no one would ever look forward to that at least not in the Human Realm or my realm.

Eda:[swings the pickaxe at the trash slug] Ah, nuts to you both.

Luke: so eda.......what if we tried some new lessons for my apprenticeship? i mean sure I know how to fight with a sword but I still haven't learned actual magic yet. So, when do we get to do stuff like reading ancient scrolls or mixing together potions, or-

Eda:[tossing things from the trash slug's mouth] Ugh. That sounds like a bunch of magic school stuff.

Luke's eyes suddenly widened in shock. Did she just say what he thinks she just said?

Luke: Wait, back up a sec. Magic school? That's a thing here? Like, winding towers!? cool uniforms!? dark plots that threaten your life kind of magic school!? Why have I never heard of this, I could be learning magic there!?

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