Chapter 4: Spring Carnival Drama

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The spring carnival continued in full swing as the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a golden hue over the campus. The energy was palpable, with music playing, lights twinkling, and students laughing and enjoying the festivities. But amidst the fun and excitement, a storm was brewing.

Nezuko and Muichiro had decided to join the others near the main field, where various games and activities were taking place. As they approached, they saw Senjuro and Sabito energetically playing spikeball with Giyuu and Obanai. Not far away, Rengoku, Uzui, Genya, and Sanemi were engaged in a heated game of football, their competitive spirits on full display.

"Hey, Muichiro! Nezuko!" Rengoku called out, waving them over. "Come join us!"

Muichiro smiled and nodded, giving Nezuko's hand a gentle squeeze before walking over to the boys. Nezuko watched him with a fond smile, feeling a mix of pride and happiness.

As Muichiro joined the game, Nezuko found herself a spot on the grass to sit and watch. Shinobu was nearby, lying on a blanket with a coffee in hand, having just returned from the campus Starbucks. Mitsuri, ever the social butterfly, was chatting animatedly with Aoi and Kanao about the latest campus gossip.

"Nezuko, come sit with us!" Mitsuri called, patting the blanket next to her.

Nezuko smiled and walked over, sitting down and joining the conversation. Despite the friendly atmosphere, she couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled in her chest.

Meanwhile, Muichiro was in the thick of the game, his natural athleticism and focus making him a valuable player. As he and the boys played, a group of college girls gathered nearby, their eyes fixed on Muichiro. They giggled and whispered among themselves, clearly interested in him.

"Hey, Muichiro!" one of the girls called out, stepping forward. She was tall with long, flowing hair and a confident smile. "You're really good at this. Mind if we join?"

Muichiro glanced at her, his expression neutral. "Sure, if you want."

The girl beamed and motioned for her friends to come over. They joined the game, their attempts to flirt with Muichiro becoming increasingly obvious. They laughed at his every word, brushed their hands against his arm, and complimented him incessantly.

Nezuko watched from her spot on the grass, her stomach twisting. She knew Muichiro was popular with the girls on campus, but seeing it up close made her feel insecure. The girls' attentions were relentless, and though Muichiro remained polite, it was clear they weren't going to give up easily.

"Looks like Muichiro has quite the fan club," Shinobu remarked dryly, sipping her coffee.

Mitsuri nodded, her expression sympathetic. "Yeah, those girls have been after him for a while. But don't worry, Nezuko. Muichiro likes you."

Nezuko forced a smile. "I know. It's just hard to watch sometimes."

As the game continued, Zenitsu appeared, his eyes widening when he saw the girls flocking around Muichiro. He stomped over, his jealousy evident.

"Muichiro! What are you doing with all these girls?" Zenitsu demanded, his voice high-pitched with frustration.

Muichiro raised an eyebrow. "Playing a game. Why?"

"Nezuko's right there!" Zenitsu pointed towards her, his face red. "You should be spending time with her, not these girls!"

The girls exchanged glances, clearly annoyed by Zenitsu's interruption. One of them, the tall girl who had first approached Muichiro, crossed her arms and glared at Zenitsu.

"Who do you think you are?" she snapped. "We're just having fun. It's none of your business."

Zenitsu bristled, ready to argue, but Tanjiro and Inosuke quickly intervened, pulling him away.

"Calm down, Zenitsu," Tanjiro said, his voice soothing. "You're making a scene."

"Yeah, chill out," Inosuke added, though his tone was more gruff.

Zenitsu huffed, but he reluctantly backed off, shooting a glare at the girls before returning to the grass with Tanjiro and Inosuke. Nezuko watched the whole exchange, feeling a mix of gratitude and frustration. She appreciated Zenitsu's concern, but his outburst only made things more awkward.

As the game wrapped up, Muichiro walked back over to Nezuko, his expression apologetic. "Sorry about that. They just wanted to play."

"It's okay, Muichiro," Nezuko replied, trying to sound nonchalant. "I know you can't help it."

Muichiro frowned, sensing her discomfort. "Do you want to go somewhere else? Just the two of us?"

Nezuko nodded, relieved. "Yes, I'd like that."

They stood up and began to walk away from the main field, seeking a quieter spot. As they left, the girls watched them go, their expressions ranging from annoyance to disappointment.

Once they were alone, Nezuko turned to Muichiro, her eyes earnest. "Muichiro, I know you're popular, and I don't want to be the kind of person who gets jealous. But it's hard when I see those girls all over you."

Muichiro sighed, his gaze softening. "I understand, Nezuko. But you have to know that I chose you. I want to be with you."

Nezuko's heart swelled with emotion. "I just needed to hear that."

Muichiro smiled gently. "You don't need to worry about them. They don't matter to me. You do."

Feeling reassured, Nezuko leaned into him, her worries melting away. The carnival continued around them, but in that moment, they were in their own world, secure in their feelings for each other.

As they sat together, enjoying the peace and quiet, the drama of the day seemed to fade into the background. They knew there would be challenges ahead, but they were ready to face them together, hand in hand.

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