Chapter 1

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"Look who's finally made it." Aditis's mocking tone didn't go unnoticed by Ishan as he stood in her doorway.

"Dude you should've seen the traffic like cmon you can't blame me, now let me in." Ishan spoke as he got desperate to get inside her apartment. He took a glance at Aditi who stood still with an unimpressed look on her face and realised he chose the wrong dialogue option.

"....I'm sorrryyy?.." Ishan spoke unsure if this is what she needed to hear. Running his train of thought he couldn't understand why Aditi was so upset over him being late.

"I can't believe you" Aditi spoke letting the door wide open for Ishan to come in.

"What?? I apologised didn't I?" said Ishan

"It's our 2 year anniversary today Ishan." Aditi spoke relentlessly with a slight voice crack. She didn't expect Ishan to forget it so easily.


Ishan and Aditi have been secretly together for 2 years now. They are a pretty normal heterosexual couple. They go on dates, hangout, get food together, (wake up in each other's bed occasionally) but all of that in private. And they are good at keeping it private.

"Did any paparazzi see you?" Aditi asked trying to switch the topic as her heart was heavied by Ishan's ignorance.

"I didn't know you thought so highly of me"


"Why would I have paparazzi following me? Do you think I'm some Sharukh Khan?"

"Oh.. I was just making sure"

Ishan could tell Aditi was really upset as on normal days she would have laughed at his unfunny jokes. He walked towards her sluggishly and hugged her from behind.

"I'm sorry. I really am."

"It's okay"

"It's just... I've been really busy with selection and all and it just... slipped from my mind I guess. I'll make it up to you I promise." Despite being a little forgetful Ishan was not a bad boyfriend and especially not an asshole.

"It's alright Ishan I understand. Just a new car some fries and a milkshake and I'll forgive you" Aditi spoke as she elbowed Ishan slightly while giggling.

"Owww that hurts... So, a date tonight? In my car? We get fries and milkshakes..?"

"Sure I guess" Aditi rolled her eyes playfully.

As the couple were talking they were interrupted by Ishan's phone

"Hold on I gotta take this it's Shubman"

"Sorry bhai aaj raat nhi yaar..
Bhai samajh na please
...How about tomorrow?
I swear I promise pakka
Abey ha na theek hai phone rakh..
Love you"

Ishan hunged up the phone and turned around to look at Aditi who was already looking at him with a raised eyebrow.


"Sometimes i feel like Shubman is my competition"

"That's ridiculous Aditi"

"He's gonna steal you from me someday.. like who says 'love you' while hanging up to their friend"

"Dude c'mon you know how close we are and... It's not even like.. unusual or something. We do it everyday it's completely normal. That's how male friendships are... You wouldn't get it." Ishan says looking down as he gets a little embarrassed when Aditi pointed out his habit of saying 'love you' to Shubman before hanging up his calls.

"..." Aditi just gives him a look while smiling wryly

"Cmonnnnn does everyone thinks we fucked?"

"Is that a rhetorical question or...." Aditi asked trying to control her laugh.

"Don't. Don't answer that"

"You guys are literally trending every other day" Aditi spoke as she bust out laughing finding the whole situation hilarious. She never suspected Ishan of being unfaithful so the idea of her boyfriend facing gay allegations was all just bizzare to her.

"Ughhhh. I should tell him to stop with that" spoke Ishan.

He looked at Aditi with a slight sense of guilt that he couldn't explain himself.

"Get ready... It's almost evening I don't want your favourite milkshake place to close before we could reach."

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Y'all i swear this is NOT a Ishan x Aditi fic. 😭

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