Chapter 6 [nsfw]

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"I think this is the first time I ever felt like the music was too loud in a club" Ishan yelled out as the loud music was so deafening he couldn't get his words across.

Shubman who was bending down to hear him ruffled his hair and said, "This is what being miserable feels like."

"You fucking ruined what i spent 20 minutes on" Ishan yelled again.

"Oh it would have been ruined anyway."


The two of them were just yelling over the music unsure if their message even got across. For the least they didn't even care, they were too drunk.

"Oh you know.." Shubman smirked.

"No I don't" spoke Ishan who was still confused about why his hair would have been ruined.

"Oh my god dude did you never touch your girl in those two years?? You know when two straight people make out, girls like to play with the guy's hai-"

Shubman got cut off as the crowd inside the club shoved him onto Ishan. Which resulted in the drinks spilling.. on both of them.

Shubman laughed out loud with his high pitched voice.

"Now your clothes are ruined too" he spoke.

"What the fuck are you laughing at? Yours are ruined as well... Oh my god i don't wanna smell like fucking vodka tonight." said Ishan.

Shubman looked at Ishan for a whole 2 seconds before he suddenly grabbed him by his shirt and pulled the boy towards him. He then bent down to smell him. This caused Ishan stand on his tip toes.

"Nah I think you're good, girls dig that but do you wanna go to the washroom? We can clean up." said Shubman.

Ishan was a bit flustered over how Shubman didn't realise how close he was to him. He was unpredictable sometimes. Anyone invading his personal space would have a reaction out of him. So this was normal right?

"S-sure yeah let's go" he said.


Faint giggles could be heard echoing through the washroom as they entered. They both were clearly drunk.

"Why'd you lock the door?" asked Ishan while giggling and stumbled towards Shubman.

"We're cricketers idiot, do you want someone to take a selfie with you while you wash your piss enriched hands?"

Ishan burst out laughing and lurched onto him. Shubman immediately caught him and then they both laughed.

"Why are we here again?" Ishan asked.


"Oh right right..." said Ishan as he walked backwards and leaned on the washroom's door with his eyes closed.

He was humming to the song playing in the club outside. It was Redbone by Childish Gambino. Shubman who was staring at him realised he just looked so vulnerable right now? He couldn't explain what he felt at that moment but it was an urge he couldn't control.

Drunk people usually act on their primal instinct. And so did Shubman.

He approached Ishan who was still leaning against the door with his eyes closed and stared at his face.


"Hmm?" He didn't open his eyes.

Shubman kept staring at him like he expected Ishan to do something. Something inside him was being so irrational. Though he wasn't out of his mind but he was about to do something to make it look like so.

He grabbed Ishan's shoulder with one hand and with the other he held his jaw. He bent down and brought his face close to his and gently breathed on his lips. His eyes wandered from Ishan's eyes to his lips.

"What the fu-" Ishan got cut off as Shubman crashed his lips against his. Ishan eyes now shot open. He panicked. He was unsure how to respond. He tried pushing Shubman away but the man wouldn't budge. It looked like as if Shubman had something he repressed for so long. He acted like a dog in heat.

"Shubman this isn't-" Shubman shut him up once again as he now grabbed one of his legs and lifted him to the countertop. Ishan almost fell into the sink as he quickly leaned against the mirror by his hand. Shubman looked like he had no intent of stopping. He bit Ishan's lower lip causing him to wince in pain.

Shubman's hand that was holding Ishan by his waist traveled beneath his shirt. That was still drenched in vodka. This made Ishan react to his cold fingers. He punched Shubman on his shoulder. He felt like he didn't recognise his best friend anymore.

He was breathing heavily touching his slightly bruised lip before he spoke..

"Come back to your fucking senses."

Shubman just stared at him.

"I think I am just fine"

Ishan felt repulsed and said "Then what was that just now??"

"That felt right, didn't it?"

"..." Ishan had too many things on his mind 'what the fuck was that?' 'what is he saying' 'why is he so normal right now?' 'we're both straight'

"I said didn't it?" Shubman repeated himself. Although it wasn't assertive. He looked like he needed validation.

"We're both straight and have been friends for years why would that feel right" Ishan responded. Still sitting on that countertop.

Shubman smiled at him before he spoke..

"God.. you're right. It shouldn't feel right. But..."  He took a long pause.


"But it did."

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Freaky chapter today. Also guys I'm still shitscared about results. Once again please pray that I get a good college. If i get a good college y'all will get more freaky chapters and if i don't then y'all get sad chapters 😞

Also i love y'all comments, makes me feel like updating chapters everyday even when I'm down :3

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