Chapter 4

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"Seriously what the fuck Ishan?"

"Dude I swear that's fucking... It's a misunderstanding.. I don't even fucking remember this and we... I have never-"

"Enough Ishan. Seriously. Do you not think I've put up with you for so long now?"

Ishan who was now panting, couldn't think straight also couldn't remember who he was in that photo. He's never kissed a man before and he surely isn't unfaithful. So who was that in the photo?

He felt all odds were against him as his inability to defend himself was just funny in this situation.

His palms got sweaty as he tried calling Shubman several times and...

No response.

"Fucking hell.." he mumbled to himself.

"You know i used to think it was all a joke. You and him... I mean you could've just told me and I would have accepted you for the way you ar-"

"I'm not fucking gay Aditi seriously I am sure there's an explanation for this man" Ishan yelled out a bit harshly.

"You fucking cheated Ishan." Aditi cried out. Her voice trembled a bit. "With your bestfriend??? Like seriously I don't even know what to tell you anymore I'm just speechless."

Ishan looked at her with hope in his eyes expecting a last bit of empathy from her. But there was nothing.

Only tears and.. disappointment.

Aditi had always been a loving girlfriend. She was with him through thick and thin. She knew how hard it was for him balancing everything. She was willing to compromise and yet it led to disappointment.

Ishan clenched his fist. He knew for sure that even when he's drunk he would never be unfaithful to Aditi. He loves her too much. But now the whole situation seemed so bizarre that he couldn't see a way out.

"I'm sorry Aditi."

"It's not okay Ishan" Aditi looked down as she spoke.


"You know Id have been way less hurt if you just told me"

Ishan felt unexplainably frustrated as he couldn't explain this situation to her. Although he tried.

"You don't even care if there's an explanation to this??? C'mon Aditi be rational why would I fucking kiss a man"

"Even if there's a explanation... I've been rational for too long. I've been putting up with everything for too long now. I feel tired Ish"

Ishan didn't speak a word. He just looked at her.

"I- I feel like I deserve better than this, don't I? Ishan I'm sorry.. but i feel like our lifestyles are too different and I am done compromising. I just don't want to waste my youth being unhappy in a relationship."

Ishan heard her trembling voice and the word "waste" stuck with him.

"I didn't know you felt this way all this while."

"Ish.. You matter to me. You really do and I always want the best for you. I'm sorry i just-"

"It's okay Aditi. You don't have to explain it to me anymore. I'm sorry too. Maybe i was too insensitive all this while. My problems seemed so huge to me that I overlooked everything else. I'm sorry"

Both of them just stood in silent. It was 2 in the morning and they were on a random mountain top. Beautiful view, amazing scenery, too nice for whatever the kind of situation they were in..

The cold breeze blew Aditi's hair out of her face as she looked at Ishan.

"We could still be friends..." She spoke.

Ishan looked at her and smiled. It was a faint smile and one could clearly see him trying to hide his tears. Afterall it was hard for both of them.

He didn't say a word and just engulfed her in a hug. Maybe he needed this too. A break.

The drive home was.. slightly awkward nonetheless.


Shubman woke up. Picked up his phone the first thing in the morning.  (it was 12 in the noon on a Sunday)

6 missed calls from Ishan.

"Oh no.."

He did feel bad. Just for Ishan.

Even though it was the consequences of his own actions he barely felt any guilt. Only empathy for his best friend. (And maybe a slight hint of accomplishment too)

He tried calling Ishan.

The phone rang twice before it was answered. Although no one spoke.

"...Bhay tu theek hai?"

"Bhosdike mil tu"

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So... No more Aditi Ishan kuchu puchu (also mad respect to Aditi for supporting gay rights)

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