Chapter 2

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"So how was your date with your girlfriend?" emphasising on the girlfriend part Shubman spoke with a sullen face that he made obvious enough to get a reaction from Ishan.

"It was.. great. C'mon seriously what's up with that face. I mean I get it you don't like her but you could atleast pretend." Ishan said as both of them walked out of the stadium after practice.

"You spend so much time with her" Shubman whined.

"Well duh she's my girlfriend?"

"You don't do it with me"

"I'm literally with you 6 out of the 7 days of the week"

"That's not what i meant.."

Ishan raised an eyebrow and looked up at Shubman who was leaning on him with one hand around his shoulder. He poked his abdomen.

"Why are you always leaning on me can't you walk straight? I always feel crushed by your weight." Spoke Ishan while he continued poking Shubman teasingly.

"Maybe if you weren't so short.."

"I told you to quit making fun of that."

Shubman who was not moving an inch while being poked suddenly straightened his posture and stood erect.

"Oh where's Ishan he was just here, where is he?" Shubman pretended to look for him.

Ishan stared at him with the most emotionless face he could make and spoke "...Are you done?" after smacking his nape.

One of the things Shubman liked alot was teasing Ishan. Constantly. To a point where no one would find it funny except him. Whenever asked about it he would just call it his 'love language'. That's just how these guys were.

"I don't like her." Shubman spoke all of a sudden, completely shifting his tone from playful to serious.

"I know" Ishan patted him lightly on his shoulder and walked away until..

Shubman grabbed him by his arm and pulled the boy towards him.

"Why don't you guys breakup" Shubman spoke in a soft and sincere tone.

Ishan who was astonished failed to understand Shubman's intentions, 'why is he so keen?' he thought.

"Stop being ridiculous bhai"

"Merko bhai matt bol" Shubman frowned.

"Sup lovebirds" they were both interrupted as they heard a familiar voice.

"How's it going Jaiswal" greeted Shubman with a slight nod. It was Yashaswi. Their interaction lasted a second as he walked out in an instant just desperate to get home.

"Why's he in such a hurry?" asked Shubman

'Are we ever beating the gay allegations' Ishan thought to himself.

He stared at Shubman blankly before he opened his mouth to speak.

"Did you know Aditi considers YOU a threat" Ishan chuckled as this was one of the things they joked about.

"Haha that's funny honestly" said Shubman with a humorless laugh and faking a smile. For some reason he never found it funny. He looked away and was lost in his thought as the two of them walked together.

"Oh by the way could i borrow your camera for tonight?"

"You mean my nikon D7500 digital SLR camera with 20-"

"Yes Shubman your camera"

"Say please"

"Pretty please?" Ishan clasped his hands.

"Why do you need it?"

"I forgot our anniversary yesterday" Ishan sighed. The guilt lingered within him as he spoke of what he had done. "So I thought I'd treat her by going to the hills together. We're going to Matheran tonight, and i think bringing along a camera would be a good idea"

The fact that Ishan had forgotten their anniversary made Shubman wanna giggle but this feeling was short lived. It was soon countered with reality.

"So no 8 ball pool tonight?" asked Shubman completely ignoring the explanation Ishan provided.

"I'm sorry... We'll go together soon alright?"

"Alright" spoke Shubman with a heavy heart.
'he always does this' he thought.

He rolled his tongue against his cheek as he watched Ishan walk away probably heading to their room for his camera.  He couldn't always explain why he felt so bothered when it came to Ishan. But he was sure he was bothered.

'I'll fucking make sure he makes it up to me' thought Shubman as he headed to his home.

An upset Shubman was a rare one. And a quiet one.

You could never find these two by themselves. They were always together. As for the title Seeta Geeta by Virat it was no surprise that the two of them shared an inseparable bond. Ishan never had a problem with Shubman acting a little possessive once in a while because he would too sometimes, that's just the dynamic they shared. And also because that's just how Shubman was. But recently he had been.. a little over the top.

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What do y'all think? I feel like I'm pacing it too fast? Let me know. This is literally my first time writing something 😞🙏🏻


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