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mount natagumo arc
july 5th 2024
an: I edited a lot of what occurred. some things tanjiro said were not in the anime. some events that occured were not in the anime. (!) means that this was changed.


Tanjiro kamado's eyes were filled with pity and sympathy. the deathly presence of rui's "mother" hurt more than a deep wound.

bathed in the silvery glow of the moon, in the somber depths of the forest, Tanjiro approached Mother with measured steps. Her once-menacing form now knelt before him, frail and weary, a stark contrast to the fearsome demon she once embodied.

Her limbs, once sinewy and strong, now trembled with the weight of countless centuries spent in servitude to a sadistic master.

Mother's crimson eyes, dulled by suffering and endless torment, flickered with a hint of recognition as Tanjiro drew closer. She had surrendered not to defeat, but to the quiet longing for an end to the ceaseless cycle of pain and submission.

Her life on the mountain had been an unrelenting struggle—either striving to meet Rui's insatiable demands or enduring brutal punishment for her failures.

Tanjiro, ever attuned to the emotions of those he encountered, sensed the profound weariness etched into every line of her face.

He saw beyond the veil of her demonic nature to the remnants of humanity that still lingered within. Despite her monstrous deeds, he recognized the tragic figure she had become—a victim of circumstances far beyond her control.

(!) "Mother," Tanjiro's voice was a gentle murmur, filled with a rare compassion that transcended the animosity between human and demon. "It's time."

Mother's lips trembled faintly as she gazed up at him, her gaze holding a mix of relief and resignation. She made no move to resist as Tanjiro positioned himself, his sword gleaming in the moonlight.

The forest around them seemed to hold its breath, the only sound the rustle of leaves and the distant murmur of a nighttime breeze.

With a single fluid motion, Tanjiro's blade descended. There was no struggle, no resistance—only a serene acceptance as Mother's head fell cleanly from her shoulders.

A spray of crimson blossomed in the air, illuminated by the moon's ethereal light, painting the forest floor in shades of sorrow and finality.

In her last moments, as life ebbed from her, Mother's eyes reflected a fleeting peace. The burden of centuries-old suffering lifted, replaced by a quiet calm that spoke of release. Tanjiro stood silently over her, a silent witness to her passing, his heart heavy with the weight of what he had done.

As the forest embraced them in its ancient quiet, Tanjiro bowed his head in silent reverence. He understood then, more deeply than ever before, that even in a world steeped in darkness and cruelty, there was room for mercy.

Mother, in her final moments, found solace in the mercy of a kindred spirit—a fleeting moment of peace in a life defined by torment.

and this - thought out, humane act of tanjiro, spiked amusement to dawn on the silent, dignified young lady, resting her physique from afar in the crevices of a tree's sprawled out branches. her cold, slender fingertips felt the fabric of her kimono, the stitched hems gliding against her rolling fingers.

𝐖𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑 𝐁𝐋𝐎𝐎𝐌. tanjiroWhere stories live. Discover now