19. Life

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    "Will Whats going on?" I ran over to meet him. "Morgan you guys cant be here, take him with you somewhere out of the way!" April commanded.

    "He was fine and then he just fell" The boy panicked. It's a little hard to hate him when he just came in through the hospital doors.

    "Hey you see all those doctors over there? They're my family. You see the red head? I go to church with her every Sunday. You see the one in the light blue scrubs? She is one of the best listeners and one of the strongest people I know. And then the brunette in the navy scrubs? That's my mama!" I tried to comfort him.

    "Do you have any idea what's going on?" He asked. "I mean my mom's a neurosurgeon so they must think it's a head thing" i offered the only thing I knew.

"Im glad you're here morgan" He looked over at me. "Im glad I can help" I smiled. I felt our fingers intertwining and it made me feel weird. I was supposed to hate him.

"Hey Moe, who's this?" My mom came over to us. "This is Will, how's his dad?" I asked. "I just came over here to tell you were taking him up to MRI but as of right now we think it's neurological" she explained. "Thanks Mama" I hugged her. "I'll be back when I know more love" she walked to go join Wills father.

"She seems nice" Will complimented. "She's like my best friend we hang out all the time, and sometimes it doesn't even feel like she's my mother" I reminisced.

"I used to be close with my mom" he choked, "before she died, stroke, gone in an hour, didn't get to say goodbye."

"Wow I'm- I'm really sorry" I stumbled through my words. "Hey I'm sorry about school today" He apologized. "It's okay I forgive you, don't worry about it" I forgave.


I woke up to somebody shaking me. I felt something heavy on my shoulder. It was Wills head. He fell asleep on me and I guess i did the same.

"Hey I'm about to go in on his dad, do you guys want to move to the lounge? I bet it would be more comfy there" My mom offered. "Yeah thanks Momma good luck" I hugged her. "Of course make sure you let Will know" she reminded me kissing the top of my head. "I will" I promised.

"Will wake up" I shook him awake. "Huh?" He questioned. "My mom said we can go sleep in the lounge, it's more comfy in there, also she's taking your dad up to surgery now" I revealed. "Oh ok" He rubbed his eyes groggily.

"Do you really think he will be okay?" Will questioned. "I don't know Will, I hope so, but honestly I don't even know what's wrong with him" I admitted.

"Well would anyone else know?" He begged, his voice cracking. "Yeah we could go find someone come on" I grabbed his hand to look for someone I knew.


"Alex!" I called seeing a familiar face. "Morgan? What are you doing here? It's late. And who is this?" My uncle questioned. "This is Will, my friend from school. And my mom's operating on his dad right now, but we're trying to figure out why" I explained.

"Ah! I see, I'll tell you what, I can get you into the gallery but only for 10 minutes. That should be long enough for you to see he's fine, and me to find the diagnosis, okay?" Alex proposed.

"Yeah that would be good Thank you Alex" I agreed. "Does that sound good with you Will?" I asked. He nodded so we followed Alex down the hall and up some stairs.

"Okay you two stay here I'm going to talk to your mom I'll be back" Alex instructed. "Alrighty" I replied.


"I c-can't lose him he's all I have left" Will stuttered tears falling from his eyes. "I know It's okay you two are strong he's going to be okay" I whispered pulling him into a hug.

I mean I kind of know what it's like to lose a parent but yet again not really, I was six when Ryan died. I know what it was like to lose Derek but it still just feels different. Because no matter what I had a whole damn village and Will has nobody.

"Hey I figured out what's going on" Alex revealed coming back in. "What is it?" I questioned. "He had an aneurysm, and it blew causing his brain to hemorrhage which is what caused the seizing, he has a bit to go, but he should be just fine" Alex elaborated.

"Thank you!" Will appreciated now visibly more relieved. "No problem but the person who really deserves the gratitude is Moes mom, she saved his life" Alex added

"I know best believe I'll owe her everything till the day I die" Will laughed wiping his tears. "Now you kids should be getting to the lounge, where I told your mother you were" Alex smiled.

"Alright goodnight uncle Alex" I hugged him. "Goodnight Moe, I'll come update you guys later, I'll send Jo by too when she's free" He offered. "Alright Good night" I smiled.

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