22. Here

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    "Good morning princess!" Will smirked as I walked into school. "Good morning stalker" I laughed holding on to the straps of my backpack.

    "How's your dad?" I asked concerned, yes he was getting better but Will has no where to go and nobody.

    "He's good, It's just hard sleeping in the hospital" he sighed. "You know, you could just stay with me?" I offered.

    "I wouldn't want to bother you, it's okay" he smiled. "No, it's really no problem, I feel bad you even had to sleep there last night, it's the least I can do" I plead.

    "Well what would your mom think about that" he chuckled. "Oh trust she won't care" I laughed.



Mommy can Will stay with us

Pretty please

Mama 🤍🤍:

And where is he going to sleep?

Certainly not with you


The couch?

Andrew moved off of it so it's free right now!

Mama 🤍🤍:

Morgan I don't know

That feels inappropriate


Mommy I can control myself

Please he has no one

Mama 🤍🤍:

Fine but we will talk when you get to the hospital after Cheer


Thank you Momma love you

Mama 🤍🤍:

I love you too bby


Cheer was a drag but tomorrow's the first game of the season. Which means I have to see Jakob. But Will is going to be there as well.

I finally got to the hospital and immediately looked for my mom. I need to clear up this Will stuff.

    "Have you seen my Mom?" I asked my Aunt Mer. "Yes but what is this I hear about you turning my home into a homeless shelter" She questioned.

     "Bruh Will has nowhere to go, why is she mad?" I rolled my eyes. "Well honey I think you know why she's upset, but she's in the MRI with Delucca" Mer shrugged.

    "Wish me luck" I joked. "M she already said yes and I said yes you're fine" Mer laughed.


    "Hey mommy is that a new scrub top? It really brings out your eyes!" I tried to butter her up "Oh and did I mention how pretty you are!"

    "Morgan he can stay but we need to have conditions" She explained. "Duh let me guess! No sex, no sleeping together, no staying up all night, no closing the door alone" I counted her three rules off on my fingers.

    "Okay you got it, I'm sorry for having you come in" She hugged me. "Oh it's fine, what do you guys got" I motioned to her Andrew and the Mri.

    "Tumor hopefully" Andrew stated blankly. "Well that's a pretty dark thing to hope for" I laughed. "Honestly we're just hoping for a diagnosis, this girls practically a medical mystery"  Mom added.

    "Hm," I nodded "I'm gonna let will know I'm here." "Mer's taking you guys home, I'll be off at 11" she reminded me. "Sounds good" I smiled.


    "I miss you, Mor" Will curled his head into my neck, he still just seems heartbroken. "Mhm" I held his head against my chest stroking his hair.

    "My Aunt Mer is taking us home in like a half hour if you want to say goodbye" I informed him. "Oh yeah, can you wait here?" He asked, he's never asked to be alone before. "Oh yeah of course" I smiled.

    He took awhile. I wonder what they were talking about. I know he will tell me when he's ready but curiosity will get the best of me.


    "It really is cozy in here" Will flopped onto my bed. "You know you have to sleep on the couch, right?" I clarified. "Yes but nothings stopping me now princess" he scooted over suggesting I should join him.

    "How was cheer?" He asked drawing circles with the pad of his finger on my back. Jakob never asked me about cheer.

    "It was the same old, you know? But I guess I'm still just nervous out the game" I confessed. "Mor I'll be there the whole time, I'll kill him if he comes with in a proximity of you!" He kissed my cheek. I hate situationships honestly. We act like we're in a relationship yet still nothing binds us together.

    "I know" I flipped around to lay face to face with him. "Do you want to watch the notebook to get that off your mind, hm?" He suggested.

    "How did you know I loved the notebook!" I grinned. "Lucky guess I suppose" he smirked. "You idiot" I laughed.


    "I think it's time I better head down stairs before your mom gets home" the movie had finished quite sometime and we barely even noticed, we spent the whole time just talking.

    It's probably weird to say but despite knowing Will a couple days I trust him like none else. "Do you have to?" I pouted.

    "If you want me to see the light of day, yes" he joked all though that was a very real possibility. "Look princess I'll see you first thing in the morning" he smiled.

    "Yeah" right to sleep it was because I hate to wait so long til i can see you again. He hugged me and it lasted quite a while and I felt like something was missing when he inevitably pulled away. But it turned into something better. An equally long passionate kiss. "Goodnight Morgan"

MY WAY - Amelia's DaughterWhere stories live. Discover now