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Charles woke up the next day feeling much better, he was still in a strong grasp till he realised it was Max, he felt his cheeks heat up with a rose colour as he heard soft snores behind him. his alarm did not go off and it was 11am. he saw a note from his Spanish teammate.

'You looked to comfy to attend to any press, media etc i turned both your's and Max's alarms off, and told both Fred and Horner that you guys will be late, be safe'

Charles could feel Max rest his head on his shoulder as he skimmed through the letter from his rival's teammate. "just us hmm?" Max says in a deep groggily morning voice putting his hand on Charles's thigh. Charles tenses, causing Max to smirk. "loosen up a bit Charlie, ill go make breakfast 'kay?" Max looks at the smaller with a gaze of pure admiration. "okay M-max." Calling him by his first name surprised him like always but he could get used to him calling him by his name, Max.

Max gets up and goes to the kitchen making Charles a bowl of fruit and himself a waffle. he sits next to Charles. "eat it." he says with a stern tone handing him the bowl and started to eat himself glancing at Charles as he does so. Charles hears his phone ring and picks it up.


"hey Charles its Carlos mate, didnt look at the contact name?" he laughed

"oh shit sorry mate"

"all good, i had to do 2x the work since you and your cuddle buddy were asleep, i heard most your convo last night dont worry its safe with me i wont be coming back to the hotel im going to Lando's"

"oh, sorry bout that and okay! ill be fine"

"talk to you later Charles"

"Bye Carlos!"

call ends.

"Carlos?" Max questioned, placing his now empty plate on the coffee table. "yeah saying he's not coming back tonight, going to Lando's." Charles explained making Max nod. "Okay, ill stay here then, now eat." Charles just looks at the fruit and then at Max, sighing he eats very slowly, this doesnt go un-noticed by Max so he puts Charles on his lap and tries to feed him. Charles gasped at this action and refused. "why!" Charles whined. "your like a twig Charles, now eat it before i make you."

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