Master? Part 2

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I look at him for a few seconds,
I take out my lightsaber and turn to the Jedi. I attack the Jedi, but I'm totally distracted. I can't believe Qimir is my master.
"Focus!" his voice rings in my head. I immediately dodge the Jedi and attack again. The Jedi fights back and pushes me back. I jump over the Jedi and kill him.
"You did well, my little star," Qimir grins and I blush slightly. "Thank you, master," I say.
I just realized that the whole time I've been complaining about my master, I've been saying it to his face.
"Why were you playing a double game, master?" I ask. "I wanted to test your loyalty," he says. "I am always faithful and loyal to you," I growl. "I follow your every order," I say angrily and he just grins.
I feel so vulnerable all of a sudden, I told Qimir everything. Hell, I even fell in love with him. And here he is, my master, grinning so smugly as if nothing had happened.
"Love can hurt," he says. "Stop reading my mind," I say. "Your mind betrays you," he simply says.

Without thinking, I attack him. He dodges and I turn around to attack again.

This time he fights back and I stumble back a little and attack again, he raises his arm and my lightsaber hits the cortosis and deactivates. "Shit" I say and look at my master. "Weak" is all he says and I sense the presence of another Jedi.
I turn around and the Jedi is attacking me. It all happened so fast. The next thing I know is a sharp pain in my side and a blow to the head before everything goes dark.

the next day

I wake up with a fright and look around. It looks like a cave, but there is no sign of my master or anyone else. I stand up and feel a slight pain in my side. I lift up my shirt and see the bandage. Memories from last night come flooding back. A Jedi did this to me.
I look around, but can't find any indication of who lives here. Maybe my master?
I found a knife and took it with me just in case. I left the cave. When I walked outside, I could see the sea. It was beautiful here, so quiet. I walked down and watched the sea for a moment when I saw Qimir further away.

I decide to follow him secretly. After a while of running, I hide behind a rock and see him undressing. I see a long scar going down his back and wonder who did this to him. I blush when I realize I'm still staring and quickly look away. When I hear him go into the water, I look again.

I am torn between my feelings. I love Qimir, but he is my master.
"How long are you going to stare at me?" he calls without turning around. I should have known he would notice me. I run out from behind the rock.
"Why am I here?" I ask. "Isn't it obvious?" he asks, and I just look at him. "You were badly hurt," he says, and I can hear concern in his voice, which surprises me.
He swims back to the shore and looks at me. "If you don't want to come in, I'd like to get dressed," he says, pointing to his clothes. I take a few steps back.
Qimir climbs out of the water and I look at him briefly before turning around quickly. "You don't have to turn away," he says, and I can hear his grin.

I just roll my eyes. "Done," he says, and when I turn around, we are standing very close to each other. I feel the warmth radiating from him. Qimir suddenly puts his hand on my cheek. His gentleness surprises me. He moves his face closer and stops a few centimeters from my face. His hand lets go of my cheek. "My little star," he whispers. My heartbeat accelerates. "How are you feeling?" he whispers. "Better," I whisper back.
He suddenly moves away from me. "Good, we'll train later," he grins and walks back. I stop for a moment and am surprised at his sudden proximity from before.
I quickly run after him.

Later that day

We stand opposite each other on a cliff. "Attack me," he says. I look at him briefly before pulling out my lightsaber and attacking him. He dodges and pulls out his lightsaber as well. I turn around and attack again.

Lightsaber clashes with lightsaber and he pushes me to the edge of the cliff. I look down and then back at Qimir and dodge to the right. Qimir stumbles forward a little and turns around. "Good," he grins and attacks me.

I fend off his attacks as best I can. Suddenly he pulls my leg away and I stumble backwards onto the ground, losing my lightsaber.
He stands over me and holds his lightsaber just a few millimeters from my face. "You can do better than that," he says and turns away.

I get back up, grab my lightsaber and attack again. He dodges again and then the stupidest thing that can happen happens. I trip over a rock and fall down the slope. My head hits a tree. I see nothing for a moment before Qimir comes towards me. "Is everything OK?" he asks and again I hear concern in his voice. He helps me up. "Let me see," he says gently and looks at my head. "It's going to be a little bump," he says.

We look at each other intensely and Qimir comes closer. But suddenly his behavior changes again and he moves away.

"Are you serious?" I ask angrily. "First you're caring and looking after me and the next second you're keeping your distance again. Why? Why are you doing this to me?" I ask, trying not to cry. Qimir just looks at me. "Training is over," he says and walks away.

I stay here for a while and collect my thoughts. It hurts that he treats me like this. When it starts to rain, I go back downstairs.
When I come in, Qimir is fixing his helmet. I sit on the couch and watch him for a while. Neither of us has said a word.

It's the middle of the night and I'm lying awake in bed. Qimir lay down on the couch hours ago and fell asleep.
I turn over and try to sleep. When I'm almost asleep, I hear a noise and immediately sit up straight. I look around but can't see any strangers. I hear another noise and see that it's Qimir. "No," I hear him say. It seems like he's having a nightmare. "Leave me," he says.
I stand up and go to him. He turns around. "Stop," he says.

I try to wake him up. "Qimir," I say, putting my hand on his cheek. "It's just a nightmare. Wake up," I say, and his eyes open.

He grabs me by the neck so hard that I can't breathe. I try to pull myself away. "Q-Qimir," I say weakly. Just before I pass out, he lets go of me and I land on the floor. "Y/N," he says, shocked, and helps me up.

"Are you okay?" he asks. I take a deep breath and nod.

I want to get up and leave, but Qimir grabs my wrist and pulls me back to him. We are very close again. Qimir comes closer to me again and I am afraid that he will pull away again, but not this time. His lips touch mine. I am shocked at first, but I kiss him back.When he pulls away from me a little, he puts his forehead on mine. "Is this real?" I ask. "Why wouldn't this be real?" he asks. "I hit my head earlier, maybe I'm hallucinating," I say. Qimir smiles. "You're not hallucinating, I promise," he smiles.

"I'm afraid of losing you. I almost lost you 2 days ago," he confesses. "You saved me," I say and stroke his cheek. "I'm still alive because you saved me, Qimir," I say and kiss him.

"Let's go back to sleep," says Qimir and pulls me down to him. I snuggle up to his warm chest and fall asleep within a few minutes.

From now on, a lot will change.

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