The Dark Side: Forever Together Part 2

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A few years later

"Are you sure this Mae can handle it?" I ask him. "We have no other choice at the moment," he says as we look out to sea.

"Come on, we have something to do," he says, picking up his mask from the floor. "I think it's hotter when you fight without a mask," I grin. "Yeah," he grins. "Just last time you were so distracted that you got hurt," he reminds me. "Hey, you look damn hot in that clothes," I grin and Qimir rolls his eyes with a smile. I look at the sea again. "Come on, don't dawdle," I hear him call and only now realize that he has moved on.

Later in the evening

We lie in bed together. "Does it still hurt?" he asks. "Just a little," I say, looking at my wrist. "I should have protected you better," he says, and I look at him. "It was my mistake, not yours, Qimir," I say. "But..."
"Don't start arguing," I warn and he sighs and lays his head on my chest. I stroke his hair and then his back. My hand touches his scar and he flinches a little. "I'm sorry," I apologize. "No, it's fine. You can carry on," he whispers. "Are you sure?" I ask. We've been together for so long, but I've always avoided touching his scar. "Yes," he whispers tiredly and I carefully touch his scar and trace it.
I never pressed him to tell me what exactly happened. Who knows what else happened. I look down and notice that he has fallen asleep and I smile. I watch him for a while before falling asleep myself.

The next morning

I open my eyes and the first thing I see is Qimir, with only a towel wrapped around his waist. His eyes meet mine. "Good morning," he smiles. "Oh, good morning indeed," I grin and sit up. "Wait! Did you take a shower without me?" I ask, pouting. "I asked you and your answer was 'leave me sleep. So I went alone," he says amused and I sigh.
"Do we have to go anywhere today?" I ask, taking off my pants. "No," he says and I hear his towel fall to the floor and turn around.
He looks at me with lustful eyes and slowly walks towards me. "Qimir," I say, and he grabs me and throws me onto our bed. "Qimir, wait," I laugh as he kisses my neck. "No time," he growls, practically ripping the rest of my clothes off.

We both lie next to each other, out of breath. "Now we can take a shower together," says Qimir, and I start to laugh. "And I thought we were having sex because you love me," I say, feigning insult, and Qimir laughs. "Of course, because I love you," he grins and kisses me. "Let's take a shower," he says, standing up.


I sit on the couch and watch Qimir. "You're staring," he says, without even looking up. "I just have a nice view," I grin, and Qimir turns to me with a smile.

Qimir stands up, sits next to me and pulls me onto his lap. I lay my head in the crook of his neck while I close my eyes and breathe in his scent.

"About the next mission," he begins. "I'm going to Olega alone," he says. "What?" I ask, surprised, raising my head. "Why?" I ask. "Do you trust me?" he asks. "Of course," I say. "It's part of the plan. When I'm done on Olega, we'll meet on Khofar," he says. "Are you ever going to tell me all about one of your plans?" I ask, nudging my nose with his.

"No, where's the fun in that?" he asks, grinning. "For who?" I ask, smiling.

"When are you leaving?" I ask. "Tomorrow afternoon," he says and I nod. We've only been apart a few times so far and I don't really like it.

"Hey, it'll only be for a few days," he says, putting his hand on my cheek. "I know, I kind of don't like it. What if you get hurt? Or what..." I'm interrupted by his lips. "Don't think too much," he whispers against my lips and kisses me again. "Let's enjoy the time together," he says

A few days later

Qimir told me to come to Khofar and gave me coordinates of exactly where to go. And now? Now I'm walking through the middle of the forest. "Damn it, Qimir, why can't you tell me everything? Now I'm walking through the forest in the dark," I say out loud and kick a stone away. "Then where's the fun? Oh, just wait and see where the fun is," I growl.
When I finally arrive, I am shocked to say the least.

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