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Lord Yu returned to the room, a glass of water in hand. He offered it to Esinam with a gentle smile before settling himself on the settee beside her. As he sat, he let out a weary sigh, adjusting the pillow behind him.

"I have a meeting with Lady Cunningham and Mei-Lin tomorrow," he said, his voice low and serious. His eyes met Esinam's, searching for her reaction.

Esinam looked down for a moment, her fingers tracing the rim of the water glass. "You don't need my permission to do that," she murmured.

Lord Yu leaned forward slightly, his gaze intent. "Well, I wished to let you know. So you know." He gestured for her to come closer, patting the space beside him.

Hesitantly, Esinam shifted closer, the rustle of her skirts filling the silence between them. Lord Yu's hand found hers, his thumb tracing soothing circles on her skin.

"I intend to end this charade once and for all," he continued, his voice firm with resolve. "It's time to set things right, to clear the air of these misunderstandings."

Esinam nodded, her eyes meeting his. "And what of Lady Mei-Lin? Surely she will be... disappointed."

Lord Yu's jaw tightened almost imperceptibly. "Her feelings, while regrettable, are not my responsibility. I've given her no cause to believe in a future between us."

"But the ton..." Esinam began, her brow furrowing with concern.

"The ton will gossip, as it always does," Lord Yu interrupted gently. "But I care not for their opinions. Only yours matters to me, Esinam."

A faint blush colored Esinam's cheeks at his words. "And what would you have me say, Hyun-jin?"

Lord Yu's eyes softened, a small smile playing at the corners of his mouth. "Say that you'll trust me to handle this. Say that you'll allow me to court you properly, once this mess is sorted."

"I... I think I'd like that," she whispered, a shy smile gracing her lips.

Lord Yu's face broke into a radiant smile, his hand tightening around hers. "Then it's settled. I'll meet with Lady Cunningham and Mei-Lin, and put an end to this nonsense. And then, my dear Esinam, our story can truly begin."

He paused, his eyes twinkling with a sudden idea. "Since we are together, why don't we have a meal? And a walk afterwards? To reset the day, so to speak?"

Esinam bit her lip, her brow furrowing slightly. "But Elizabeth is away," she began, her fingers fidgeting with the fabric of her skirt.

"I could find one of the staff, to have a meal prepared?" Lord Yu offered, already half-rising from his seat. " Unless you'd have me cook?"

Esinam's hand shot out, gently grasping his wrist. "I can see to that," she said, a small chuckle playing at her lips. "What would you have me request? Something simple?"

"Something with peas?" she teased.

Lord Yu's nose wrinkled in mock disgust. "Not unless you wish me sick," he chuckled lightly, his hand coming to rest atop hers.

Esinam nodded, her gaze dropping to their joined hands. She wiggled her fingers, suddenly aware of the paint stains and tear tracks on her skin. "Before we do that, I should go wash these," she said, reluctantly pulling her hand away. "And perhaps change? I think I should clean up just a bit. This dress is tear as well as paint stained. I do wish a quick bath..."

She stood, smoothing down her skirts and leaving a smudge of paint in her wake. Lord Yu watched her with undisguised affection, noting how even in her disheveled state, she was utterly captivating.

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