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To stop would have been a curse disguised as prudence, and Esinam found herself utterly unwilling to be prudent.

Not now, not when Lord Yu's touch set her very soul alive.

Yet, in the oddest of ways, Esinam found herself holding her breath, as if saving air for when her being would inevitably give out. Give out into soft moans and a desperate search for balance as she teetered on the edge of being completely undone.

They moved deeper into the room, a dance of urgency truly. Esinam's hand swept across her vanity, as their lips continued to meet, sending books and trinkets clattering to the floor. Lord Yu's fingers joined hers in the chaos, clearing a space before lifting her onto the now-empty surface, standing between her parted legs.

To her satisfaction, the cool wood found its way against her thighs with every adjustment he made as he lifted her dress with his movement of keeping her there.

They were every bit swept away in the trappings of passion.

His hands found her waist, steady and sure. The small circles, he did, the softness they appealed.

They were an anchor in the storm of emotions threatening to overwhelm her, a touch of structure in a world rapidly losing its familiar shape.

Esinam marveled at how something so simple could feel so utterly decadent.

His fingers traced the edge of her bodice, his touch reverent. To him, she was the embodiment of divinity, the goddess who kept him suspended on a cloud with no effort at all. Each caress was a prayer, each look an act of worship.

"I know you've put great effort into your attire," he began, while infatuation roughened his voice to a sensual rasp. His hands slipped beneath her skirts, palms skimming along her stockinged legs. "But I find myself longing to undo all your hard work." he confessed sinfully as his lips found the sensitive spot just below her ear, drawing a gasp from her.

Before she could respond - was she even capable of response? - his lips claimed hers once more. Words became superfluous, unnecessary in the face of this physical adoration.

She found herself incapable of understanding anything but the language his body spoke against hers.

His beautiful lips moved against hers with possessive hunger, awakening a craving deep within her core. It was scandalous, truly, the way his hands slid into her coils, pulling her closer than she'd ever been held.

This was worlds away from the dutiful embraces of her past - this was romance, desire, the feeling of being wanted desperately for herself alone.

The world around them melted away, leaving only the heat of their kiss and the rapid beating of their hearts. That suspenseful heart of hers, which had misread true love for so many years, now raced with the thrill of genuine passion.

Esinam felt as though she were being rewritten. Every touch, every kiss was a line in a new story - one of desire, of mutual adoration, of a love that burned bright enough to chase away the shadows of her past.

One she so desperately wanted to read. In depth.

She clung to him as his hand wrapped around her thigh, pulling her forward from the dresser. He pressed her against him with a fervent need that mirrored her own, as if trying to memorize the feel of her through the layers of fabric between them.

His lips parted hers, his tongue tracing the seam of her mouth, seeking entry. She opened to him, allowing him to explore further.

As she moaned softly into his mouth, her own desire rising to meet his.

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