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~Y/n's pov~

After I finished my pasta that Mattheo made me, I said goodbye and headed back to Hogwarts.

Mattheo and Draco's coming back to school tomorrow, he's going to live at the safe house every night but we decided that taking classes would be less suspicious.

Even though I fought with Draco yesterday, I was still excited for him to come back to Hogwarts. I just hope that he came home safely after leaving the safe house.

Him sleeping with Astoria was a bit of a shock, but who I am to control his sex life anyways?


The next morning, I woke up to my roommate Daphne screaming.

Pansy looked like she just work up too. It was 5:00am.

"What now?" Pansy asked, annoyed.

"You are not going to believe this." Daphne said disgustingly.

"What" I asked.

"Ron fucking Weasley liked my Instagram picture." Daphne said, making gagging noises.

"Bro." I said, rolled my eyes and laid back in bed.

"What? It's so disgusting." She said in a bratty tone.

"Is it really?" I clapped back at her. "I could've slept for two more fucking hours if you didn't wake me up."

"Are you being for real right now?" Daphne yelled at me.

Here we go again, I should've just kept my mouth shut.

"Guys, let's just go back to bed." Pansy said annoyed.

"No, because who the fuck does Y/n think she is to talk to me like that." Daphne said, directed to me.

"Can we not do this right now?" I said annoyed, not wanting to argue at 5 in the morning.

"No, because to be honest, you have been such a bitch to me these days." She turns to me angrily.

"What are you even talking about?" I groaned.

"You don't want to spend time with me at all because you've been so obsessed with Riddle."

"Is that was all of this is about?" I scoffed.

"It's not just that,  you changed. You're not fun to be around anymore."

"Damn Daphne, I'm sorry that I have friends other than you and I'm sorry that people change." I say.

"Yeah but it's not fair that you keep running to Riddle whenever we're together."

"Maybe thats because he never called me a fat bimbo before, unlike you. And I get that we're not as close as we used to be but I have other things to do."

"Other things to do with Riddle, your probably throwing yourself at him all the time because your such a slut.

What the actual fuck.

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