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~Y/n's POV~

Oh shit.

"Well hello there Riddle, where have you been?" Pucey asks in a mocking tone.

"That's none of your concern." Mattheo says sternly. "What have you been doing to Y/n?"

"You mean my girlfriend?" Adrian says, stepping close to Mattheo.

I just stand there, watching both of them as they glare at each other. I think we both know it's not going to end well if they start a physical fight.

"Mattheo, let's just go." I say.

Mattheo turns towards me to walk away.

"I have Esmaray's nudes, and I can do anything I want with it." Pucey said to us.

Mattheo instantly turned around and tackled Pucey on to the ground.

Wow. That's hot.

Now everybody in the common room circled around us to watch.

"Mattheo, stop. He's not worth it." I call out as he is on top of Pucey, giving him hard punches to Pucey's face.

Pucey doesn't even look like he's fighting back, he's wiggling around like a cockroach as Mattheo punches him left and right.

That must hurt, god Mattheo's hot.

Mattheo stops once he is satisfied with the damage he's done and walked over to me. Pucey still groaning on the floor.

"You totally won that." I said.

"No shit, he's weak as fuck."

I laugh as we walk away from the scene, leaving Pucey for the crowd to deal with him.

I notice that his knuckles are bloody, Pucey's blood or Mattheo's? I don't know.

"Let me clean that up for you." I say, pointing to his knuckles.

"It's nothing honestly."

"Come on, it's the least I can do." I say, I grab his arm and pulled him into my room.

I could've grabbed his hand, but I didn't.

I make him sit on my bed, getting wet paper towels to clean the blood off him.

I sat next to him, facing him and took his hand, starting to clean it.

I could feel his gaze.

I looked up as well and he was already looking at me. God he's beautiful. His curls falling into his eyes, his scar across his nose, his lips, he's literally perfect.

What am I thinking.

I stare at his lips for a bit too long. He's so close to me, I can kiss him right now.

I want to kiss him right now.

He's inches away from me, the tension is insane. We both don't say a word as we stare at each other. It's not even awkward, it's like we're admiring eachother but, Mattheo probably does this to every girl, right?

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