007 3 miles for 20 words

40 0 0


1. Drag me down - One direction

2. Team - Lorde

3. Counting starts - One Republic

4. Cinderella Snapped - JAX

5. To all the boy's I've loved before - JAX

—Will Pov—

We walked a few miles to find a place to talk strategy in. On they way, Nico filled Thalia in with occasional help from me. Percy was walking behind us and Annabeth was walking Infront of us, because 3 children of the Big 3 sure does attract a lot of attention.

Suddenly I felt all my muscles tense and my senses went crazy. The others must have felt it too because they turned around. We found Percy covered in golden dust. "Dracaena" he explained. Annabeth helped him brush it off and we continued walking.

3 miles away from the house, we found a cafe called Oasis. We walked inside to be greeted by the smell of freshly brewed coffee and baked goods. Percy immediately ran to the display counter and looked for the blue food. "I'll go make sure he doesn't buy the entire store" saying that, Annabeth ran of to join him.

After a few minutes they returned, arms laden with food and drinks. Coffee for Thalia, Annabeth and me, hot chocolate for Percy and Nico. Percy got a blueberry muffin, while the rest of us had donuts.

"So, what's the plan?" Thalia asked. "Dumbledore seems to have told them about Percy, so we should start from introducing ourselves right off the bat." "Okay, that's a plan, should we leave now?'" Percy asked, confused. "Did we just walk 3 miles, to say 20 words?" Nico grumbled. "Looks like it Neeks" I said, as I tried to calm my boyfriend down. "Ugh, this is the worst."

 Word Count: 313                                                                                                                                                          A/N: This was kind of a filler chapter because I'm currently at my cousins house and typing from a phone.

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