005 More bathrobe Guys

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1. Water fountain - Alec Benjamen

2. Here with me - D4vd

3. Atlantis - Seafret

4. I wanna be yours - Artic Monkeys

5. Until I found you - Stephen Sanchez

——Percy POV——

We got all our stuff and headed towards the address that Dumbdoor had given us. "this doesn't make any sense, House no: 11 and House no: 13, where is house no: 12" Nico grumbled. Suddenly he shoved Will and exclaimed "What the fuck is happening?!"

A battered door emerged out of nowhere between number 11 and 13, followed swiftly by dirty walls and grimy windows. "I swear that it wasn't there a few minutes ago" Will was dumbfounded. "No shit sherlock" Nico sarcastically retorted.

I turned to ask Annabeth what she thought, to find her grinning. "What did you do Wise Girl?" "Don't you remember what the note said. "Repeat the words in your mind"" "Ohhh, so we're just idiots" "Yup" she smirked, popping the p, then walked over and knocked on the door.

After a few minutes, the door opened slightly to reveal a young woman. She had a pale, heart-shaped face and spiky hair that was a violent shade violet. "state your name and purpose"

Annabeth nodded at me so I walked over to her "I'm Percy Jackson, Dumbdoor asked us to come here" Suddenly her face changed "of course, we've been expecting you, also be very quiet in the hall" "yes" we all chorused.

We tip-toed across the hall and reached a door, which the lady opened but suddenly something slammed inside and a painting started screaming "FILTH! SCUM! BY PRODUCTS OF DIRT AND VILENESS! HALF-BREEDS, MUTANTS, FREAKS, BEGONE FROM THIS PLACE OF MY FATHER—" and proceeded to scream some colorful words that would have made Arion proud.

Just then, a few people who were also dressed in bathrobes (seriously, what is with the fashion here) emerged from inside the door . After a few tries, they managed to force the curtains shut and the screeching died and an echoing silence fell.

Panting slightly and sweeping his long dark hair out of his eyes, a man turned to face us, while pointing a stick- sorry a wand- towards us.

"tell me your name and purpose, unless you want me to blast you out of this house"

And before I could say anything, we heard the door burst open and someone slammed into Nico.

A/n: The next few chapters might be short . See you next week.

Signing out


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