Mahogany eyes

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Just above my temple.


"Tom?" I cried as I froze in place.

I heard mumbles in the distance. "Ash" Tom cried from down the hallway.

I moved my slowly in his direction before a cold grasp of familiar hands gripped my chin. He forced my head to face him before slamming his lips onto mine.

"That wasn't a smart move" Zeke groaned squeezing my chin.

"Fuck you" I spat before he applied more pressure on the gun as he laughed.

I swung my hand up smashing my wrist onto his head where I had smashed the vase knowing shards of glass would still linger. I wasn't going to go without a fight.

"You fucking slut" he screamed in pain as he bent down.

I stepped back before kicking my leg around hoping to contact his body. I heard his body fall to the floor and the gun slide across the floor. I immediately fell to the floor and began to search the ground with my hands in the darkness. I felt the warm metal and picked it up as he groaned behind me. I stood up and began to run down in the direction Tom was in. The lights flicked above me as I ran.

I looked behind me as the light flicked on. Zeke ran close behind me as blood streamed down his face. I focused in front of me remembering when to turn so I didn't fall. I heard motion in front of me as I turned left.

"Tom" I yelled.

"Here" he replied.

I heard the sound of bodies being thrown against the wall as I got closer. I smacked into someone before falling to the floor. I raised my gun as I tried to slide backwards. I reached for Tom before everything went silent.

Tom's hand met mine followed by Bill's. They helped me stand before I reached for the gun in my pocket and handed it to Tom. I stood waiting for a noise as I backed up slowly.

Slow and quiet footsteps in front of us came closer.

"Give up" I muffled.

Zeke laughed quietly still walking towards us.

I stepped forward holding my breath. I slowly pulled up the gun pointing it in his direction.

I pulled the trigger and heard his body hit the floor. I stepped back before Tom grabbed my hand and began to drag me forward.

We ran as fast as we could as I looked at the floor trying to find the exit. I slowly came to a stop as Tom tried to pull me forward.

"Here," I said pushing the door open.

We all ran out not looking back. Bill began to struggle behind us as we got closer to the car. I looked at Tom before the car lights flicked followed by the quiet beep. I furrowed my eyebrows looking behind me as Avon ran out of the building holding the keys.

"Avon" I gasped before focusing on Bill.

I let go of Tom's arm and quickly ran to help Bill walk closer to the car guiding him into the back seat. Avon got into the driver's seat as I got into the passenger's seat. I turned behind me as Tom got in the back.

I held my hand out and he grabbed it as he focused his attention on Bill. The car quickly sped off and I slowly turned forward still holding his hand tight. I never wanted to let go. I couldn't ever be apart from him again. I closed my eyes leaning my head on the headrest. The sound of the car's tyres screeching on a wet road drowned my thoughts.


I felt cold hands on my forearms as I slowly opened my eyes not realising I had fallen asleep. I looked around slowly regaining consciousness before remembering. I snapped my head around to the back seat.

"I'm here" the hands squeezed my forearms. "Let's get you inside" he continued softly.

I looked up to Tom relief filling my body as tears welled up in my eyes. I couldn't describe how grateful I was to see his familiar deep mahogany eyes and smell his intoxicating scent.

"Where's Bill?" I asked.

"He's inside" he smiled lifting me up effortlessly out of the car.

"Is he okay?" I asked as he guided me inside.

"Yes," he sounded unsure.

I turned to him furrowing my eyebrows before someone grabbed me.

"Ash" I heard Bree sob as she dragged me to the floor.

"Woah" I said pulling myself up.

"Are you okay? What happened?" she said grabbing me and searching my body.

I slowly gazed off into the distance as her words blurred into a muffle. I felt someone grab my arm softly which snapped me out of my trance.

"I think she needs rest" Tom smiled. I turned and looked at Tom then back to Bree who glared at him.

"Yeah," I spoke quietly as I nodded my head.

I followed Tom's steps as we walked down the familiar hallway, and everything slowly fell quiet. The awkward silence grew louder as he opened the door to the room I had stayed in. I stepped in before him, everything still the same. I turned to him before turning back around and stepping closer to the bed.

I sat on the end of the bed as Tom leaned against the door. I looked down and broke down into tears of relief.

"Hey, hey" Tom stepped towards me.

Tom sat down next to me, I immediately moved closer and fell into his chest.

"It's okay, we're okay," he said softly while holding my head.

"I know" I barely spoke before sobbing back into his chest.


I felt him move as I opened my eyes and squeezed his arm.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you" he said standing up.

I hadn't even realised I had fallen asleep on him.

"No, it's okay" I replied quickly.

"Now lay down and get comfy" he smiled softly standing over me as I sat on the end of the bed.

I nodded and crawled to the top of the bed laying on the pillow. I wrapped myself up in the blanket before turning to Tom who stared down at me I saw him tense up before turning around and slowly walking out of the room.

Everything within me wanted to tell him to stay. But I knew I needed to figure out everything before caving to my wants. I was weak and dishevelled. The last thing I needed was for him to feed into my delusions.

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