We Kidnap a Celebrity

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"Look on the bright side, at least you get a free trip to one of the most beautiful cities in the world?"

Sally Jackson tried to cheer up the sulking teenagers sitting at the backseats of her car. Paul had called her while she was at work and had explained to her what happened earlier that morning. She picked up a dejected looking Percy and Thalia from their apartment and was now driving them to the airport.

"I just don't get why we have to fly there," Thalia grumbled. She wore her signature black leather jacket over a dark blue tank top and combat boots. The silver circlet that identified her as the lieutenant sat on her head like a tiara, contrasting with her skull earrings. It seemed like Aphrodite had also paid her a visit, because despite sounding like she just got out of bed, her make-up was perfect and her hair was neatly done.

"Unless you want to sail over there in a Greek war-ship, this is the best option," Percy responded, equally as annoyed. He fiddled with the prism in his hand, letting the light from the window shine through. Once the beam refracted into a rainbow of colors, Thalia tossed a drachma into the projection and it disappeared in a flash of light.

"Oh Fleecy, do me a solid. Show me Annabeth Chase at New Rome College."

The rainbow projection flashed, and an image of Annabeth shimmered into view.

She was sitting at a desk, a book open in front of her. She had her head in her hand and was writing something down on a notebook with the other. Noticing the Iris Message, she sat upright and shut her notebook.

"Hey Seaweed Brain," She said, giving him a tired smile.

"Hey," He said, smiling back at her. Seeing her smile made him feel a lot better about the sudden trip.  "How's the project going?"

"I'm almost finished actually. You called at the perfect time."

She leaned closer and squinted at the projection. She raised an eyebrow.

"You're in the car? Where are you off to?" She asked him curiously. Percy let out a nervous laugh.

"Yeah...about that-"

"We're on a stupid quest," Thalia chimed in, leaning over so she was in the frame.

Annabeth's eyes lit up at the sight of her childhood friend. Thalia grinned.

"Nice to see you again Annie," She said, giving her a small wave. Percy explained to Annabeth what happened with Aphrodite, starting from the invasion of his room to the sparkly note.

Annabeth hummed thoughtfully. "The golden apple, huh?" Her image flickered. "Why do you think she asked you two to retrieve it? Since she never mentioned any other god or creature stealing it, why couldn't she go there to get it back herself?"

Percy shrugged. "I dunno, maybe it's because I've become the gods' favorite personal lap dog?"

"She did mention something about other forces in Paris that she was tired of dealing with," Thalia said, her leg bouncing up and down. "She didn't elaborate though."

Annabeth hummed again, tapping her chin. "I'll try to look into it. I'll call you guys if I find something."

"Thanks Wise Girl," Percy said, holding his hand out towards her. She did the same.

"What would you do without me?" She teased, sighing dramatically.

"He'd probably be dead by now," Thalia added with a smirk.

"I agree," Sally said, smiling at them from the rearview mirror.

Percy huffed. "Why is it that when you guys are together you always gang up on me?"

Percy Jackson and the Golden Apple (PJOxMLB Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now