We (Don't) Stick the Landing

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Thalia stared at the entrance gate nervously. Due to their unexpected upgrade (upon Adrien's insistence), they were called to the front to board the aircraft first. The hand around the handle of her bag shook, and her knees felt like they were about to give out. At one point, the attendant at the counter had asked her something, but she couldn't bring herself to respond. The sounds around her had become muffled. All she could hear was her heart beating in her chest.

"Pull yourself together! You're the daughter of the sky god for crying out loud!"  Though she told herself this multiple times, she couldn't bring herself to move.

She hadn't realized she wasn't breathing until Percy put a hand on her shoulder, pulling her back to reality. He took a deep breath, and she copied him, matching his breathing pattern. Her cousin smiled at her encouragingly.

"I'm scared too," He said to her quietly, so no one else could hear.

Only then did she register that the attendant had been asking her to confirm her name for the last five minutes. Some guy who was in line behind them snickered. He quickly shut up when Percy sent a glare in his direction, no doubt honing in his notorious wolf stare.

"You didn't have to do that, you know," Thalia told him, once they walked through the terminal gate. "I would have done it myself."

Percy rolled his eyes. "Yeah, well I wanted to, and that guy was being a jerk. You're stuck with me whether you like it or not Thals."

Thalia sighed. "Thanks, Perce."


They finally made it to the plane's entrance, cold air  escaping from inside. The flight attendant greeted them warmly, and waited for them to board. The two demigods breathed uneasily.

"What are the chances the plane explodes the second we step on it?" Percy mused, wiping his palms on his jeans. Thalia punched his arm. The couple behind them grumbled impatiently.

"I assure you it won't sir," The flight attendant said, her wide smile unwavering. It was kind of unnerving.

Percy held out his hand sheepishly. He clearly did not want to do this either. Thalia rolled her eyes, but took it anyway, squeezing his hand tightly.

With a deep breath, they boarded the plane, bracing themselves for the strike of lightning or for the ground to give out under them. To their relief, none of that came.

After securing their bags in the overhead compartment, they quickly walked towards their seats in the third row.
Percy marveled at the set up. Instead of the airplane seats he expected to see based on ads, he saw large leather recliner chairs. There was a divider in between each seat, all of which had a small desk attached to it. There was a minibar underneath the desk, and attached to the back of the chair in front of him was a small TV screen. It had way more legroom than he was expecting.

The two settled into their seats, the comfortable cushions not doing anything to calm down their anxiety.

Adrien sat in the same row. He looked up from what he was typing on his cellphone and waved at them. He had just gotten off a call with Marinette, who told him that she and his other friends would be waiting for him at the airport. He was excited to finally see his girlfriend again after weeks of being apart and couldn't wait to tell her about his trip on patrol later that night. He was especially excited because it was the first time he had someone his age to talk to during the long journey home.

Percy and Thalia however looked a little less enthusiastic.

​"Thanks for this again, Adrien," Percy said, stretching his legs. Adrien beamed.

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