A Goddess Wakes Me From My Beauty Sleep

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Percy just wanted to enjoy his vacation. He wanted to stay home, IM Annabeth, then lock himself in his room and get some seriously needed rest after his finals. You'd think that after fighting and winning two wars the gods would give him a break. But of course, that was too much to ask for.

He was jostled awake by Paul, his step-father, who told him that he had a visitor. Judging by his tone, Percy figured that this wasn't a normal guest. Now, he had experience with random gods suddenly showing up at his doorstep, and the last time did not end well. Before he could contemplate jumping out of the window and making a run for it, a woman burst into his room. He fought down a groan. She wore a red satin dress and stilettos that looked sharp enough to kill. She had blonde hair that was curled in perfect ringlets that cascaded down her shoulders. Percy rubbed his bloodshot eyes and for a second saw Annabeth in the woman's face. She was beautiful, and was undoubtedly the goddess of love, Aphrodite.

"Greetings, Son of Poseidon!"

Remembering he was in the presence of a goddess who would not hesitate to smite him unprovoked, he scrambled to his feet, wiping the drool from his face.

"Nice to see you again Aphrodite," He said through a forced smile.


Before he could continue, a mirror had been shoved in his hands. It took all his willpower not to roll his eyes.

Not this again.

"I'm sorry dear but I'm in a bit of a rush," Aphrodite said, taking out a palette and touching up her already perfect make-up. "I've got this party to attend on Olympus, and father is..."

Percy had already zoned out within the first few sentences. He tried to clear his throat as politely as possible.

"I really, I mean really, hate to interrupt...but what do you exactly...need me for?" He asked her, still blinking the sleep from his eyes.

"Right, yes," She said, shutting her palette and pulling another one out of thin air. "You see, I've lost my apple, and I would very much like to have it back."

Percy blinked, confused. "Your apple...like the iphone or the fruit?"

She laughed. It sounded a lot like Annabeth's when he did something stupid.

"No, no, it's not just any fruit, It's my golden apple," She said, fluffing up her curls.

Percy vaguely remembered a myth he studied while he was at Yancy Academy.

"The one that Paris gave you?" He asked her, biting back a yawn. "The one that started the Trojan War?"

"Precisely!" She said, taking the mirror from him and examining her complexion. "I think I dropped it somewhere when I was visiting France, so that's where you'll be going!"

She snapped her fingers and a plane ticket materialized in his hand. His luggage case appeared fully packed beside him. He looked down and realized his pajamas were replaced with jeans and a button-up shirt. He was pretty sure his hair was styled too.

"There! Now isn't that better?" Aphrodite said, flicking her hand and making her mirror disappear. "Get my apple back to me before the end of the week. Gossip spreads fast on Olympus and I'd hate for Athena or Hera to know that it's gone missing."

"Wait, but what about-"

"Don't worry about father striking you out of the sky," She said, waving him off. "My half-sister is coming with you."


"It's a shame that Hermes kid started a war and tried to overtake Olympus. They were cute together," She muttered to herself, shaking her head.

"Do you mean Tha-"

"Anyways, good luck young hero! I'm counting on you." She winked and snapped her fingers with a flourish.

Percy had a million questions, but before he got a chance to ask any, the goddess of love disappeared in a puff of pink smoke. When the smoke cleared, a sparkly note fell to the ground. He picked it up, and after getting a headache (from his dyslexia or the sparkly text, he wasn't sure), he could make out that it was a list of places in France that Aphrodite had visited. He glanced up at Paul, who was looking at him sympathetically. Percy dragged a hand across his face and sighed.

"Looks like I'm going to Europe...again."

Percy Jackson and the Golden Apple (PJOxMLB Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now