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Third POV

Days pass and Jimin doesn't know what to do. He can't stop thinking about if Jungkook is alright or if that call alone got him into more trouble. His mind is racing and nothing could ease it but the words straight from the ravens mouth that he is okay.

"Park Jimin!" At the sound of his father's the voice the boy snaps back into reality and hurries down the stairs.

"Yes sir?" The boy stands patiently with his hands politely crossed in front.

"Your mother needs help with dinner. The Jeons are coming over again this time you will not embarrass us do you understand me?"

"Yes Sir I understand." Jimin heads into the kitchen and starts by washing his hands.

"I'm making steak with greens and potatoes." She tells the boy and he nods not saying anything. Jimin helps with anything that woman asks while trying his best to stay out of her way.

"Make the table please they'll arrive soon." After the meal is fully prepared and the table is set Jimin waiting's in the living room. He paces back and forth a little nervous about Jungkook coming over. Had his parents not noticed is appearance lately? He thinks. His thoughts are cut off by the sounds of the doorbell.

"Please get the door Jimin honey." His mother calls loud and sweet making sure the guests heard it. Jimin rolls his eyes at the fake tone before opening the door. Mrs and Mr Jeon have a bright smile and the woman holds a pie in her hand.

"Hello welcome to our home." Jimin smiles sheepishly knowing he's really got to be on his best behavior today. Or his parents might literally kill him. The couple walk and and standing quietly behind them is Jungkook. He doesn't look at Jimin nor does he say anything before just walking in the house.

"Hey can we-" Jimin tries to talk to him but the boy doesn't even look his way.

"I can't. I'm sorry." He pushes past Jimin and heads towards the kitchen.

"But-" Before he could argue Jungkooks name was being called.

"Jungkook come here love." His mother's tone sounds just as fake as Jimins. The blonde then thought that maybe Jungkooks parents were just as bad as his. How wouldn't they have noticed their son in so much pain?

Jimin sighs heavily before following after him. This is going to be such an interesting dinner.

"There you two are! Jimin I was just telling Mrs. Jeon about your after school plans."

"Yes a psychologist is a great paying career. I have a degree in psychology and work as a marriage counselor."

"Do you like what you do ma'am?" Jimin takes his seat at the table as he entertains this conversation. Jungkook is the last to sit forcing him to sit next to me. I can see the way he's tensing up just by sitting next to me.

"I do love what I do. However, not being able to fix everyone's problems is a burden you will always carry." She gives genuine advice and Jimin thinks there's no way this woman is a bad person. She has a psychology degree and can't even see that her own son is struggling?

"Well I hope to be as successful and wise as you one day Mrs. Jeon." The woman giggles and blushes a little at the compliment and that makes Jimins mother smile. She loves when guests look happy in their home. The blonde takes a quick look to his right and Jungkook is blankly staring at his plate. He's yet to eat a bite, only poking at it like he doesn't have any interest in eating it.

"Jeongguk why are you being disrespectful? Eat your food stop playing around with it." His father demands and Jungkook takes a big sigh before starting to actually eat. The parents made more small talk about irrelevant topics and the two boys sat in silence at one end of the table.

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