Chapter 6: The Fight

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You're not gonna like this one 😬

T/W for abuse, physical violence, and a couple slurs

The next few days were amazing. Work was great. They were having fun living together and going places together. Still nothing from Roger. He was usually very possessive, and would never let her get away with not coming home. This would worry Siobhan if it weren't for Mary reassuring her every second that nothing would happen to her.

They hadn't slept together since that night. Not because they didn't want to, but because they didn't have to be physical to be together. But also because they were tired every day after work.

They were headed into work that morning when they heard someone talking in the office. They walked in to find him. Roger.

Siobhan's heart dropped to her stomach

Suddenly every terrible memory came rushing back to her. Every evil thing he'd ever done to her filled her mind. The insecurities he had put in her head. The things he did to her.

He was talking with Reece who looked mad. Roger turned to look at Siobhan with an obnoxious smirk on his face. She felt an unsettling sensation in her body as he looked at her. She'd hoped she'd never see him again, but deep down she knew that wasn't the case.

"Hello, Siobhan." He said walking over to her. Mary stepped in front of the blonde, blocking him from her, and Siobhan had never felt more grateful to have Mary with her. "And who the hell are you?" He said looking at Mary.

"That's none of your concern, but you will not be talking to her. Leave. Now." She never broke eye contact with him, no matter how much she desperately wanted to.

He didn't move

Mary would not let Siobhan get hurt, no matter what. She would stand in between Siobhan and Roger even if he was holding a gun to her head. She would do anything for Siobhan. She loved her.

"She said to leave." Reece said from behind him. He walked closer and cracked his knuckles. Roger hesitated before leaving the office, scoffing on his way out. "I'm sorry, I tried to get him out before you got here." Reece said, looking between the two.

"It's fine Reece." Siobhan said, going to sit at her desk. Reece nodded and went to the hall to talk to the man. "I'm just glad he's gone." She whispered to herself. She looked depleted. Much different than when she'd walked in earlier. She was bubbly and happy up until she saw him. Mary took note of this. Maybe that was why she always used to be so mean and bitchy before.

"You ok, baby?" Mary walked behind the blonde to rub her shoulders in an attempt to try and relax her.

"No." Siobhan said honestly. "But I will be... eventually."

The rest of the workday went on like normal. They didn't hear from Roger. They were packing their things and closing up the office. They got everything closed up and they went outside. They walked out to the car park, and headed toward the car, when they saw him standing there.

Mary felt sick to her stomach

Roger walked forward, looking predatorily toward Siobhan. "Where do you think you're going, Siobhan? You belong to me. You're my wife."

"She doesn't belong to you." Mary said, "She doesn't belong to anyone."

"This doesn't concern you." He pushed Mary out of the way. "Siobhan, you're coming home with me whether you like it or not."

"No. I'm not. Roger, you cannot control me anymore. I'm leaving you. We're getting a divorce." Siobhan said, standing her ground.

"What?!! You can't leave me. I have ways to keep you. I'll release those pictures I have of you, or the tapes. You will not leave me."

"Do whatever you want with them. I don't care about those anymore. I don't care about my image or my money. I'm not staying with you." She felt scared, but also proud of what she was saying. Mary was proud of her too.

Roger leaned closer. "I'll fucking kill you if you leave me, you bitch." He whispered and grabbed her arm.

"Don't you FUCKING touch her." Mary grabbed his arm to make him let go of Siobhan. He let go out of annoyance. "Come on baby, let's go." Mary put her hand in Siobhan's.

"Baby?" Rogers's eyes widened as he moved closer to them and Mary's heart rate increased. She would never forgive herself if she let Siobhan get hurt. She couldn't let it happen. No matter what.

"You're a dyke?! Well, that explains all this chat about leaving me. This faggot has poisoned your mind with her lesbian nonsense."

"Don't talk about her like that." Siobhan said, gripping Mary's hand tighter, not wanting to let her go. She felt like she could slip away at any moment. "She has nothing to do with this. I was planning to leave you way before this happened. And Roger, who I love is none of your business."

Mary heard the word love and looked over at Siobhan. Surely she heard wrong. Siobhan couldn't love her. She wasn't worthy of it. She loved Siobhan, but Siobhan couldn't love her. Right?

"No. Your mind is clouded. You're coming with me." Roger ripped their entwined hands apart. He grabbed Siobhan's arm again, stronger this time. She tried to get away but it was no use.

"No! Let her GO!" Mary yanked at his arm trying to pull him off of her, but she couldn't. He was too strong. He was getting irritated and let go of Siobhan. "You ignorant bitch!" He turned to Mary and slapped her across the face.

"No!" Siobhan yelled

Mary felt a searing pain on her face but none of it mattered, not when Siobhan was in danger. He was getting ready to hurt Siobhan and Mary couldn't let it happen. She ran to Siobhan and pushed her out of the way. She would gladly take a bullet or a punch for Siobhan any day. She loved her after all. She wished she could tell her, but it was too late.

Roger hit her to the ground

She was unconscious

Siobhan started to cry as she saw blood coming from Mary's head. She ran to Mary and knelt on the ground, crying. "What did you do?!" She screamed at Roger.

He walked closer to Siobhan, getting ready to pull her back by her hair when he felt a large object hit his head and knock him unconscious. "Karmas a bitch, dad." Autumn was standing behind him holding a lamp base as he fell to the ground.

Siobhan paid no attention to Roger. She was focused on Mary, who was lying still on the ground. "please. Don't leave me. Don't do this to me, please." She whispered. "I love you." She hoped Mary would just wake up. She would sit up and be ok, like nothing happened. That she would say it back to Siobhan, they would love each other and would live happily ever after.

But she didn't

"I called the police, they're sending an ambulance." Marjorie said from the side, standing with Reece. They didn't question what was happening between the two women. They knew it wasn't the time. "We could see from the office." She knelt down by Siobhan. Marjorie felt tears in her eyes."She'll be ok, my love. They'll be here soon."

So Siobhan waited

Sorry guys sorry guys sorryyyyyyyy 😭

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