Memories And Nightmares

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As Nicole was sleeping she started to have flashbacks about her childhood. "Mommy? Do you still love me?" Little Nicole asked before being smacked to the ground. "NO YOU USELESS MISTAKE! YOU KILLED MY HUSBAND!" Nicole's mom yelled beating the living hell out of her. But as she was beaten she felt her body get shaken and heard Wheatley calling for her. "Nicole! Nicole wake up!" Wheatley called making Nicole shoot up in pain. "Oww!" Nicole said shooting up in instant pain like she was actually beaten.

As she looked around she saw Wheatley sitting next to her looking worried. "Are you okay luv? I heard you crying and came to get on you." Wheatley asked hugging Nicole as she cried. "N-Nightmare..." Nicole said before feeling Wheatley lay down next to her holding her close. "Shhh~ It's okay luv. Go to sleep. It's okay. Your safe with me." Wheatley said holding Nicole laying her head on his chest. "W-Wheatley..." Nicole started before being kissed on the forehead. "Sleep luv. You need it." Wheatley said as the two of them fell asleep together.

As the two of them slept Nicole saw her dad in her dreams and ran over to hug him. "Daddy!" Nicole yelled tackling her dad to the ground. "My baby." Her dad said holding her close. "I'm proud of you my princess." Nicole's dad said as Nicole hugged him. "Why did you leave me?! Mom went crazy and abuses me!" Nicole asked in tears. "It's okay hunny. It's okay. Your safe now. Wheatley and GLaDOS will keep you safe." Nicole's dad said before hearing Wheatley trying to wake Nicole up.

Before vanishing, Nicole was given as plush elephant with the words "Daddy's Little Princess" stitched on it and when Nicole woke up she had the plush. "I-It's real?" Nicole thought holding the plushie close. "Nicole. Let's get up. We're going out today." Wheatley said before noticing the plushie. "What's that?" Wheatley asked before Nicole looked at the plushie. "Daddy gave it to me." Nicole said before GLaDOS came to the door. "Let's go love birds! I don't have all day!" GLaDOS said as Nicole smiled. "Okay." Nicole said as Wheatley left to his room leaving Nicole alone. "Thank you Daddy." Nicole said before getting up and getting dressed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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