Tuesday, October 17, 2034
4:53 pmI pull back my new dark brown hair into a high pony. I decided that it was time for a change so I got out of school early and went up to the salon and died it. I hated the old color. I stretched and walked out to the gym.
"Afternoon David." I chirped.
"And back to you Milly. How are you feeling?"
"Great. You seem better." I smile at his nice words. I sure needed some.
"So, I was wondering if we would practice training my new.... capabilities."
"Of course," I followed behind him to the center of the gym. "Okay. So let's start with your invisibility. Bow just try to disappear. It might not work the first time. Just-" Before he could finnish I already turned and turned back. "Or you already know how..."
"Yeah. I kind of figured this out at school..."
"Great. Okay. Now let's work on your.... flying."
"Okay, go up the ladder and jump like you were going into the net but when you are falling think, light has a feather, feather from a bird."
"Got it." I followed his directions. Once I got on top of the ladder I kept thinking light has a feather, feather from a bird to myself. I took a deep breaths and jumped. Light has a feather, feather from a bird. Light has a feather, feather from a bird. Light has a feather, feather from a bird. Light has a feather, feather from a- and I was doing it; I was flying! It was wonderful. I didn't even have to clap my arms. I just... defided gravity! I swooped down by David and he gave me a high five. This is a piece of cake!
"Great job Milly! Now try to land!" yealled David from below. I nodded and tried to stop but I couldn't. I tryed to swoop down and drag my feet but it was no use. Beofre I knew it I was going full speed to the new, that thankfully stopped me with a joult.
"We're gonna have to work on that." said David. I nodded and laughed.
David came and helped me up. For the next hour he tryed to help me stop. I tryed everything but it wouldn't work.
"Okay," he says. "Try doing this. When you want to stop, try to slow down and walk reagularly. Once your feet touch the ground think, fall. Got it?"
"Sure." I stood at the foot of the ladder and srugged, jumping up. I started flying and swooped down by David. I did his steps and finnishes susaisfully.
"Great job Milly!" he congratulated.
I smiled.
For the rest of framing he tryed to explain telecanesis to me. By 7 I finally managed to slightly life a soda can. Once I let it fall my head was pounding. David explained that it was beacuse it was my first time.
"And remember, if you try to lift something to big it will probably make your nose bleed."
"K. Thanks David!" I waved heading to the lot.
"Your welcome! Stay safe!"
*Hello my fellow peeps. Sorry about the short chapter. I'll try to make the next chapter a little longer. I just got back from the beach so that's why I haven't updated. Sorry! I hope you like the story so far. Please vote, comment blah blah blah. C yall soon! ✌🏻
Changed [Book 2]
Action\\Book 2 in Broken series// After dieing from a gun shot to the head, Milly is brought back with some unusual powers. Once becoming a 'super hero' figure, things become difficult. Friends become target. High school becomes harder. Will she be able...