Thursday, November 2, 2034
"Yes!" Replys the reporter.
"Uh, well." I freak. What am I supposed to? I spit out the first name that comes to mind. "The Masquerade!"
The reporter looks into the camera and starts speaking super fast. "You heard her. The Masquerade helps us again and you can count on her! Back to you Meg."
The press keeps clicking cameras and asking me questions. I get tired of it so I change and fly off.
Hey I no, super short. I just had to get the details out of the way. Also, when it says, I change, or, I turn, then that means she turns invisible. Just a FYI.
I hope you like. I no I said this book would be good but I'm kind of loosing the plot and stuff. Sorry:)
Changed [Book 2]
Action\\Book 2 in Broken series// After dieing from a gun shot to the head, Milly is brought back with some unusual powers. Once becoming a 'super hero' figure, things become difficult. Friends become target. High school becomes harder. Will she be able...