Tuesday, October 31, 2034
I hear a knock at my door. I open it to a little girl in a pink, fairy princess costume holding an orange pumpkin basket.
"Trick or treat!" She chrips.
"Hello." I say as I plop a handful of candy into her halfway ful bag. She gives me a crazy look. "What's your name?"
"I can't talk to strangers." she tells me. "Oh, and my moms a cop."
"Well," I say bending down to her size. "Your not doing a very good job, you just did." Her eyes grow big and she reaches into her shirt and bulls out a whistle. Not those little baby plastic ones you can buy at the dollar store, but one of those big ass whistles.
She blows it as loud as she possibly can and then screams. "STRANGER DANGER! STRANGER DANGER!!" Her mom comes rushing over and gives me a apologetic look.
"Sorry!" She says."She has been doing this at every house." I nod slowly and slowly back back into my apartment and close my door with a thud.
I glance over at the candy bowl and laugh. Have fun getting cavities little girl! I roll my eyes and laugh, filling the bowl back up awaiting for the next knock.
It has been two hours of trick-or-treating and I am getting sick of it. I drifted to sleep but was awoken by the door.
"Go away! Out of candy!" I yell.
The knocking continues so I prepare to see anyother angry child. I open the door and see McKenna.
"Hey Milly."
"Hey. Come in."
I eye the large bag of candy she hold.
"Candy?" She asks.
"You know me so well!" I say hugging her and wiping an invisible tear from my cheek.
"So how have you been?" She says jumping onto my sofa.
"Fine I guess."
"Cool. I just wanted to stop by and say happy Halloween and sorry about the other day at school..."
"Oh, no! Your fine!" I agure not wanting her to feel bad.
"I know but I feel bad, so I got you candy!" She says handing it to me.
"Thank you!" I say giveing her another big after she gets off the couch and heads towards the door.
"So I'll see you tomorrow?" She ask.
"Bye." She waves.
*hey guys! Ugh, I am in a writing slump with this book. Just a FYI the third book will be kind of small. I'll try to get to the big problem and stuff in the next couple of chapters. So ya...
Hey u should read my new book Softball Love. I really like writing it and u should check it out! Thanks for everything! Xoxo

Changed [Book 2]
Action\\Book 2 in Broken series// After dieing from a gun shot to the head, Milly is brought back with some unusual powers. Once becoming a 'super hero' figure, things become difficult. Friends become target. High school becomes harder. Will she be able...