Shubho Rath Jatra
to all my readers. Today is the day the Lord Of This Universe, Lord Jagannath has chosen to come out of his grandeur dwelling and grace us with his presence, on the streets of our neighbour sitting ever so gloriously in his Chariot accompanied by his Younger Sister, Subhadra and Elder Brother Balabhadra.My this Rath Jatra bring all of you lovelies happiness and peace.
And in Rabindranath Thakur's words:
~উড়িয়ে দ্বাজা অভ্রভেদি রথে।
ওই যে তিনি ওই যে বাহির পথ।।~~Hoist the flag high upon the sky-piercing chariot!
Look!There is he, there is he out there.~Jay Jagnnath!
Jay Maa Subhadra!
Jay Balabhara!
Mayabono Biharini Horini
Romance1st book in the series "Ray Barir Bouma" "She is over twelve years of age Young Master! Her body reeks of sin and only by marrying Brahmin will she be forgiven!" The Pandit(priest) spat. "Fine then! A Brahmin is needed right?" Madhav steps in front...