Despite what some say, its myths and lies, I've a strange feeling about it, in a positive way. This might appear unreal to some, but on the contrary, it feels very real to others.
In the gloomy weather, autumn leaves were drowning in the puddles, lumpish rainfall around the street, behind a foggy window, with an aesthetic vibe, I was watching one per another drop of rain falling on the road and the splashed water caused by vehicle tires.
I was thinking about blossoming flowers, bee sounds, birdsongs and also beach waves. I had moments flashing across my brain blissful and hot moments which I spent in my life lately. Hereafter, in a sorrowful moment, I was thinking about happy times. In all bad things, there's always a way to find the good parts.
I felt awkward while reaching a point where everything seems wrong in this world, everyone is at their lowest, but still thinking about all the good and positive things that might have affected or influenced the situation for it to seem grody. This perpetual world is turning people greedy and voracious.
Weird Inspirations
Storie breviThe content contains short paragraphs which I wrote over years on the different feelings and experience of life I had and inspirations out of nowhere.