part 47

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Next day :

Author Pov :

whole night both advik and aarohi missed each other like they havent seen each other since years ! As new day rise a new hope was on ! to bring his aarohi and his son back from danger ! everything was set ! which was needed ....

11:40 am :

advik reached the place where he was asked to come was an construction building closed since years ...

as time was coming his heart beat and tension was increasing ...

At sharp 12 pm he gets a call to come inside the building he enters the building his eyes goes to aarohi who was at edge of 5th floor with glossy eyes ...and at side abhishek with a smirk and a a hand holding aaradvik wrist tightly ...which was making him angry but nothing was in his hands ...As soon vedika approched  him 

vedika : advik my love of life how are u ..

advik didnt said anything ..

vedika : dont reply but you have to spend whole life with me by the way ..

again advik did same 

vedika : no problem advik ! see priest is here come ....

he went behind her silently ..while glacing at aarohi and aaradvik ...glossy eyes 

as soon priest started to resite mantra's ...soon police came ...silently .....

they came from back entrance and placed gun on vedika and priest head ...after seeing police abhishek panicked ..


vedika : Abhi---

officer : keep quite or i will shoot you rn 

abhishek was busy therating by his behind poilce came and placed gun due to sudden placing of gun he panicked and he pushed off both aarohi and aaradvik ! both shouted but ................

they fell on the net hanging for their saftey in speed advik ran towards them 

they hugged each other ! aarasdvik started crying hard aarohi conforted him ...

as soon ! the time came ..

Vedika : advik i will come back and tell you whom u messed with actully ...

abhishek : I will kill you by my hands 

officer : ahmm ! guyss delulu later first let us take you to mental hospital as soon possible ..

they went with officer hand cuffed ...

aarohi : ADVIK ! i missed i was scared what if we died--

advik : i am here i will always keep you safe aarohi ....i proimes 

aaradvik : mumma papa bad aunty vedika bad she slapped me ! he cried while complaining about them ..


author Pov :

They went back to their home ! met everyone ...both family thanked the god that day advik promiesed himself to protect her even he dies nothing matter but a single scratch on her will destoryie the next person for sure ...

Aarohi : advik ! 

advik : yes aarohi ..

aarohi : lets go for a walk 

advik : its night aarohi tommorow we will go done !

aarohi : no no right now pleasee ..

advik : but 

aarohi : please naa ..

advik : ok ! come ...

they both went at the garden for a walk 

advik : aarohi ! 

aarohi : hmm

advik : did u thought that i will marry her 

aarohi : ahm ! i trusted you advik bad thoughts came but i ignored them and trusted you 

she said while looking at his eyes ..

advik : aarohi ! please trust me forever like that ! i will never break it i know i did many awful things but i promise to never repeat these awful stuff i trust u and love you 

aarohi : same goes with me i also did awful things ! sorry but you know what it was already written for us if we didnt did that anything else will come to us ! see we got seprated but still our love still remain same ...

advik : true ! aarohi just the thing is wanna spend my whole life with you ....

aarohi : me too ! 

thank you guyzz 
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