Part 49

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sorry guys i didnt posted this chapter i am feeling guilty 😭

Same day :

night time 

aarohi : how was your day !

advik : nice what about you ?

aarohi : rocking 

advik : seems something happend ?

aarohi : nothing happened just i am trying to be positive yk ..

advik : positive for what ??

aarohi : ahm ! at aaradvik time you werent with me that time aalia was their i was panicking and all but she comforted me like sister and i was raedy to go but i had complication that only one life can be saved at a time but due to shiv ji blessing both of us  were save ....hmm i was thinking ...---

advik : aarohi ! i know i wasnt their for you but please dont think like that my heartbeat goes down pleasee ..

 aarohi : its not like that but i think what if ...

advik :

aarohi : advikkkkk

advik : pleasee ..

aarohi : ok !dont come back to me

advik : i will not bye 

aarohi : hmm bye go!

advik left the room 

aarohi pov :

i know he needs time i am ok with it ..


Living room :

advik pov :

 ahmm let me settle at the couch ! hmm ....aarohi ! sorry i wasnt their for you but i cared for you each and every minutes was like hell to me ! but i survived for my family and waiting for you it was you who lest me all alone but i ....[some tears dropped from his eyes]..advik someone called me [his eyes went to that direction he saw his mother standing ]

she came and took his head in her lap and said 

radhika : advik ! what happen my child ?

advik : nothing just --

radhika : dont lie advik i am your mother ..and why were you crying..

advik : no i just--

radhika : if you lied again na ! i will i will not talk to you advik you can trust me beta your pain is my pain ..

some tears made their way down through his eyes ..

advik : maa ! i am scared to lose aarohi she too dont think positive she told me that during aaradvik time she faced complications one can be saved only ! maa i regret not being their at her tough time she faced it all alone fear of losing first child or her life ....

radhika : beta sometimes things dont go according to us but we should never blame ourselves hmm i know that you should be their with her but you werent dont blame yourself beta ..she is a strong women yk i have seen her hiding her wounds and she is tryin to heal other's a selfless person in blood relation's ...beta you werent with her but god was ! so she is safe so be thankful rather then balming ...but this time you are with her.. fight with her solve with her but dont leave her side ever ! please promies me you will never do any stupidity again ! open the gate for bad memories and store the good memories start a new life...move on i know she will too but you ahve to be her side..

advik : maa you are ryt ! i will do it , i will fight with her and solve with her without leaving her side i promies ..

radhika : ok ok ! sleep now dont worry she will oky till tommorow say sorry to her oky...

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