Forest boy and sea girl

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A story of young love in bloom between two children, from two different worlds. A love that was like a flower bud that seem to be keep growing, and growing until it become a beautiful flower. It might be a bond of love made by the great mother herself who could really, tell the truth on the end.

Y/n " neteyam"

Neteyam " good morning y/n"

Y/n " good morning I was going to head out beyond the reef and I was wondering if you wanted to come with me you don't...."

Neteyam " I will love to come"

Y/n " that good you should tell your parents before we leave as we don't need to worry anyone"

Neteyam " yes right away dad and mom I'm heading out on the water"

Jake " wait who will you be going with young man I and your mother .... Oh hello y/n"

Y/n " hello mr sully"

Neteyam " I'm heading out with y/n is that one father"

Neytiri " yes that is fine son please have a good time and keep each other safe"

Neteyam " yes mother thank you for letting me hangout with y/n"

Y/n " thank your Jake and neytiri I will make sure no harm comes to your son" Jake and neytiri had nodded their heads at the young pair, as the duo soon walked away from the sully home and to the end of the dock. The pair had called their IIus that soon showed up as the couple soon dove into the water and grabbed onto their IIus.

Y/n "ready to go forest boy"

Neteyam " anytime sea girl" the pair laughed before they took off beyond the reef together with laughter and talking, all the way there until they finally stopped.

Neteyam " I know I have been living here for some time, but the beauty of the ocean still amazes me"

Y/n " I have to says the same thing as well and I have lived here all my life" neteyam had chuckles at your words making you smile and blush as well.

Neteyam " hey look over there an inland"

Y/n " oh yes"

Neteyam " well come one let's go rest there for some fun, we can't spend of whole day in the water"

Y/n " you lead the way and I will follow" neteyam and you had arrived at the small inland, and soon sat down on the sandy beach.

Neteyam " I enjoying just having the time with the two of us, even due I love having everyone else around I love having time with you"

Y/n " I have to agree as well I enjoy my time with you as well, it good to have everyone else near by when it just us there little to worry"

Neteyam " like our brothers fighting each over anything"

Y/n " I'm waiting until the day comes they can't find something to fight over and just get along, with one other"

Neteyam " our brothers are idiots"

Y/n "yes they are but they  are idiots we love"

Neteyam " so I over heard some of teen boys of your clan speaking, about your previous suitors and some of them wondering if they have a chance"

Y/n " oh yes I have some suitors that had come from other clans, and as you can see nothing happened because to many of them I was not good enough"

Neteyam " they are skywangs for not seeing that you are perfect enough in my eyes"

Y/n " huh what did you say"

Neteyam " I said you are perfect in everyone eyes"

Y/n " no I heard you say I was perfect in your eyes , don't you lie neteyam it not good to lie teyam"

Neteyam " fine you are right I did say that you are perfect in my eye"

Y/n " thank you neteyam you are perfect in my eyes as well"the two teens had stayed quite until they had leaned into a kiss. The kids left for right to them both, and nothing felt wrong about it.

Neteyam " wow that felt good"

Y/n " yes it did"

Neteyam " hey mind having some days like this again just two of us, like dates or courting outing together"

Y/n " yes I will love that"neteyam soon smiled again and kissed you once more, it seems like everything was going to be good between the pair.

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