Chapter 1

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« Just admit it, you're rusty ol' man ! » Alex joked.

« I'm not ! Just been on Earth longer than you, » Jack retorted back, seriously.

« Yeah, for centuries even ! » Alex and Mac chuckled at the same time.

« Come on you too, stop, Jack's old heart can't take it, « Riley added.

« Not you too Riles, « Jack faked .

They had just come back from a mission where, much to Jack's despair, he'd been knocked unconscious by a bad guy creeping up behind him. For the whole flight, the team had been teasing him about it, even Bozer through the comms had seemed to find it funny. He was sure he had heard Matty making fun of him too.

But none of that mattered to Jack, he was smiling widely at the fact that it was only the third field mission for Alex and it was like the kid had always been part of their little family : matching Jack's jokes, being Mac's new impro buddy, Riley's little brother and Bozer could always count on him with lab experiments. Alex had made his way into Jack's heart.

« What d'you think Matty wants with us so soon after a mission ?» Mac asked.

« Maybe another mission, » Alex guessed.

Matty had asked them to go ASAP to the war room as soon as they landed. She hadn't said much about it so it must be serious.

« Stop bickering and get your sorry asses in here, now, « Matty shouted from the war room though they could tell she was smiling.

Matty watched with pride in her eyes while her team entered the room and sat down. Bozer who was already in the room, greeted them and they exchanged a few jokes before Matty's stare made them quiet.

"We have a mission. It's unsanctioned so if you go and get caught..."

"We'll be disavowed, » Mac finished. Matty simply nodded.

She eyed Alex, not knowing how to expose the mission without implying that him being involved would be a major plus. She had considered benching him on that one, but ruled against it.

« It's in Grenoble, France. A russian terrorist group is planning to retrieve a WMD somewhere in the Alps and probably use it during the opening ceremony of the Olympics in Paris on July 26. In three days." Matty saw Alex pale as she mentioned the French Alps and she went on, " Alex, you don't have to go on that one..."

"It's ok, I got over what happened in France, » he mumbled.

"No, you don't understand, the leader of that group is Dimitri Sarov."

Alex's heart skipped a beat and his breathing quickened as he closed his eyes, remembering crimson red splashing him as the man commit suicide. He shivered.

He felt Jack rest a hand protectively on his shoulder and was able to mutter, "Is he in any way related to..."

"Alexei Sarov, I am afraid he's his brother," Matty replied.

"That's why you don't want me on this one."

"Not if you can't handle it."

"I can," he assured, trying to steady his voice, "plus, you need me. I almost sound like a native in French and I might know a few guys in France."

" Then, wheels up tomorrow at eight, LA airport You'll fly commercial."

"I hate flying commercial," Jack complained.

As they all exited the room, Alex flashed a smile to Matty, thanking her for trying to protect him and not imposing the mission to him even knowing his skills were required.


Hi! This is the first chapter of the second book, kinda just set the plot but the rest is going to be more interesting.

Aly McShizzle

Alex and MacGyver Crossover 2Where stories live. Discover now