Chapter 4

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This morning, Alex had been determined to talk to his team, maybe not tell them everything but at least give them something else other than the cold shoulder. However, when he finally entered the living room, Alex saw that he might have a bigger problem: Riley was discussing hacks with Gaby.

"When you are finally going to put your plan about destroying the world in action, could you at least warn us before?" Alex jocked.

Riley apprehensively looked at him before saying, " you didn't tell me she was a professional hacker. And she knows about Artemis37!"

"Maybe because I didn't want both of you to hack into yet another governmental agency!" he laughed.

Gaby sent Riley a look that said 'another?'

"NSA,"she whispered back and Alex saw Gaby's eyes lit with utter respect.

"Guys, it's time to go," Bozer entered the room.

"About that, meet me in the courtyard in five minutes."


Five minutes later, they all met in the courtyard waiting for Gabrielle when she showed up, it was with her parents.

"Mary! JJ ! So you are Gabrielle's parents!"Jack roared, crushing them in a hug.

"Jack Dalton! Long time no see!" Gabrielle's father shouted in return.

"Good to see you Jack. When Gaby told us who she was picking up yesterday, we were quite surprised. She told us you have a train to catch, but we are here to help an old friend. Why don't you take our old MPV instead?"

"You're sure you don't need it?" Mary shook her head.


Alex was taking care of putting their bags in the trunk while Jack was catching up with his friends.

"Yeah, my team's my family, ya know."

"And you've got quite an interesting one, "JJ said, "I'm glad you took Alex under your wing, poor kid has got a rough life."

"Yeah, 'been with us for a while now and it already feels like he's like one of my own kids."

Alex wasn't meant to hear that or was he? Jack was known to brag up about his 'Kids' every time he got the chance to. Still, Alex was troubled. The only parental figure he had, had been his uncle Ian and he wasn't really a father figure. With Jack, it was different. Jack had always been there for him since they first met. Jack had reassured him each time he wasn't feeling well or after a nightmare. They'd stayed up late at night, eating pizza and watching Star Wars or whatever DVD collections Jack had. Jack had even introduced him to his pops. Truth be said, since he moved to America, he'd spent as much time with Ben and Jack as with his new teammate. Alex wished that he had met Jack sooner.

Soon they all got in the car, Alex riding shotgun and Jack in the driver seat.

"If you need help, you call me, alright?" Gaby said.

"I will, I promised," Alex answered, "Bye."

Once they were on the road, Alex spoke up, "Guys, I need to apologize to you."

"What for hoss?" Jack asked, surprised Alex did not look at him, glimpses of the conversation he overheard still in his mind.

"I haven't been...nice to you guys and that is because Matty was right I'm not completely over it. But I am still on the mission," he hastened to add. "I'll talk to you about it, just not...not right now."

"It's ok," Riley assured, "we got you Alex, we're family."

Alex knew she meant that as a reassurance but still, Alex shut down at it. Each time people welcomed him in their family they got hurt, even a fake family: his uncle Ian, Jack Starbright, the Pleasure, Turner and Troy in Skeleton Key. Even Alexei Sarov who wanted him to be his son.


Hello everyone, here's a new chapter. I find it quite hard to write but it's finally out! Hope you enjoyed it.

Aly McShizzle

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