Chapter 29 (Part II)

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Freen feels herself much lighter than she was just minutes ago. She never thought coming back home would feel so good.

"Hey!!!" A voice echoes through the crowd in the airport. She searches to place the familiar voice and right then she sees her best friend running towards her. It is true, she felt really home.

"You're back." A rush of air followed by a crushing embrace that draws a smile from her effortlessly.

Nam pulls back, looking at her she asks, "For good this time?"

"I hope." Freen really hopes. She really wants to believe it herself. There is no more running. Cause she is tired. She had all the adventures to last a lifetime. It's finally time to belong somewhere. And the only place she ever felt she belonged was here.

Nam offers a warm smile, even though she knew all she could do was hope too.

Right then her attention was drawn to the little girl holding Freen's hands, smiling up at her like an angel. "There she is. Our little angel." Nam says hugging the little girl.

"I'm not so little anymore Aunt Nam." Lyra pouts.

"You will always be little to us little one." Nam says ruffling the young girls hair, who rolls her eyes and pouts.

"She's grown." Nam whispers to Freen, as they starts walking outside.

Freen shrugs, "She's nine Nam. Stop with the theatrics."

Nam sighs, "Easy for you to say. We missed three years of her growing up."

"It's not like you were free either. How's your kid?"

"Being a handful."

"That's just kids."

A bright grin greets Freen, "Who thought you will be an expert?" Nam teases.

Freen rolls her eyes, "Well I'm not. I have no experience bringing up toddlers. But stubborn little girls, that I do."

"She's a mini Becky, isn't she?"

"Nope. She is a mix between Saint and Becky. Which is a deadly combination if you ask me."

Nam stops in her tracks staring at her friend.

"What?" Freen questions.

"I never thought I will see the day where you would just talk about him casually."

A nonchalant shrug, "Well he's gone. What's happened has happened. Those of us left behind have to move on right?"

Feeling the need to change the subject, Nam takes the little girl's hands, "Right. Ready to go see mommy?"

Lyra nods with a sad smile, "What is it Lyra?"

"Mommy is sad." The girl says tears threatening to spill.

"Then let's go kiss her better." Nam says trying to ease the little girl.

"How's Becky?" Nam asks Freen who was looking at her daughter with the same level of sadness.

"As well as can be expected. We know what's it like to lose a parent. She had to go through that twice. Even if he was horrible to her, he was still her father figure."

"I heard there was nothing they could do in the end."

"No. It was just about comfort in the end. I asked her if she wanted to see him, I was ready but she wasn't."

Nam places a reassuring hand on her shoulder, "I think it's harder to forgive the people we love."

Freen gives her an understanding smile.

Soon they reach outside and sees Noey waiting for them in the car, who immediately greets them enthusiastically.

"Hello bestie!!! Get in. It's easier to wait in the car than finding a parking spot here." Noey says moving on to hug Freen who takes the passenger seat.

"Where's Becky?"

"She came in an earlier flight. There were some formalities she needed to do, Richie picked her up."

"Are we going.." Nam starts, but Freen swiftly interrupts saying, "To the apartment. I have to drop off the luggages, get Lyra something to eat. Then we will head off to Armstrong Mansion."

"Sounds good."

"Freen, the mother. Who would've thought?" Noey teases as she starts the engine.

Freen laughs at how light and free everything feels, "Enough with the teasing. Now drive."

"So what are you waiting for?" Nam asks as soon as she sees Lyra heading up to her room leaving behind just the three of them.

Freen crosses her arms, looking over at her friends with suspicious eyes, "What do you mean?"

"It's been three years, Freen. When are you going to propose?" Noey asks this time, a sly smile on her face.

Freen shakes her head, "Like you said it's been three years and we are happy. There is no need for a piece of paper to tell us that we are a family."

Nam sighs a little, "Does Becky feel the same way?"

Freen exhales, looking away refusing to make eye contact.

Nam groans looking at her friend warily,  "What?"

Freen easily gives up and gives in, "I don't know. We haven't talked about it."

This seems to set Nam off, "How can you assume she's fine with it? Freen unlike you, she has never been married before. Every girl dreams about these things."

Noey gently but firmly held Freen's right hand, "Freen, not every marriage ends up the way yours did."

Freen stares them down, but it's her best friends, they knows her better than herself. Caught, she gives up on her facade. "What if it's me? What if marriage isn't for me? If Becky breaks my heart I don't think I'll survive that."

"Are you having doubts about your relationship?" Noey asks softly.

Freen closes her eyes and sighs heavily, her resolve crumbling, her tears threatening to spill.

"Wait! Is Becky still sleeping with other people?" Nam asks suddenly out of nowhere.

Freen grimaces at that, "Wtf? No. We are exclusive."

"Then what is the problem?" Nam urged in a desperate voice.

Freen's mind became hazy. Her eyelids felt so heavy. She falls unceremoniously to the couch, her eyes closing as her head leaned back into the headrest, she sighs heavily,

"The problem is what kind of a person she is. She is this self-willed, unbridled, impulsive person and I'm just me. It's like I'm constantly trying to catch up yet I always fall short. Trust me there is so much love. But is love alone enough?"

A/N: You guys wanted angst? Here you go. There's more to come. Becky is yet to make an appearance. Trust me when she does, shit is about to hit the fan. Or maybe not. Stay tuned. Signing off your innocent author.

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