So far yet So close

381 16 1

leopard y/n

(In this au, both their relationship is kept secret. People see their relationship as friends or colleague)

Roughly 6 months ago...

The world was brought into chaos when an infections virus broke out, turning people into mindless, terrifying zombies. Like zombies, they chase living humans and eat them alive; spreading the virus via bite. The chaos spread in the blink of an eye; raging out of control. Military are deployed to fight against the mass, saving those who survive and kill those trying to eat them alive.

under this circumstance the rules once control the country fades and blurred, politicians have no use rather than being a food for the zombies.

Many soldiers were bitten into zombies killing their own, survivors are brought to a shelter under military control, while there are some who are surviving on their own, those takes the extra risk of going out searching for supplies and food.

That case applied to Kortac, a privet contract military full of mercenaries.

Also, the moment they receive the news of zombie outbreak, everyone was just as confused, König on the other hand panicked; like literal panic. The first thing that came to mind was Leopard's safety. Because 2 hours ago, he was deployed to guard an escort.

König asked anyone who know about that mission and where it currently is. Satellite shows they're still on their way, just about to enter the city where thousand to zombies' roams "can you connect to any of them"

"Yes sir"


"Sir, is connected"

"Hello?" able to hear Leopard voice coming out from the other end ease him, König grab the mic "Leopard, listen carefully, don't go in the city! Is full of zombies"

Leopard informs the driver to stop the car and not head into the city "what? Don't head in the city? It'll take longer to reach, our fuel might not last that long" another one of the team spoke

"Just do what I say and get out of ther-" König's voice was cut when scream came through "what the fuck! What's with these crazy people!"

There were banging and screech of zombies coming out from the coms, they were attacked "DRIVE" one of them yelled.

"sir! There's suddenly mass number of zombies after them" zooming the screen; there's horde of zombies, Leopard's team were smashing their way "scarp the mission and just get out of the city and find somewhere safe and we'll sent an escort!" the colonel practically yelling at the mic.

In action, the driver is stepping the gas as hard as he can while Leopard at the back of the car and the operator in the passenger sit shoot off zombies.

Zooming through the road their path ends up being impeded by barricades on the road use for keeping the zombies away, they can't turn back with the hoard "off the car! Go around the barrier!" the driver shouted.

Everyone scrambles off the car, they ran over the barricade with zombie groans hungry for their flesh. One operator was to climb over only to have his foot stuck in the unorganized rubble, he struggle to free himself, zombies closing in on him caused him to panic. Under urgent circumstance some people can't think straight making them to fumble.

He watches helplessly of a zombie open its rotten mouth, it spread a pungent smell of decayed dead fish, some would've faint solely from scent, the operator frozen in fear as those dead teeth close their distance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08 ⏰

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