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What had gotten into him? Grian didn't know either. Though part of him wanted to tell someone. Tell someone to get the weight off of his shoulders. Tell someone to feel less alone. And he guessed that someone was apparently going to be HotGuy.

He figured he would probably only tell HotGuy because he'd become desperate, desperate for finding someone he trusted enough to tell. But, he had trusted HotGuy with his life multiple times, just like HotGuy trusted him with his life.

Though he should probably be focusing on finding out where Violetta Lefevre had been the last few months, he was going to tell him anyway. It wasn't like they had gathered more information than her date of birth and some teenage gossip.

Grian sighed once again, choosing the right words to tell about the figure he always saw. He didn't want to sound crazy. "I-," he paused, looking HotGuy in the eyes. "I've been seeing a black figure ever since I was seven years old. Everyday, everywhere I go. I always thought it didn't watch me as CuteGuy.. I always thought it only watched me as a civilian."

HotGuy didn't say anything, nor move. Grian couldn't figure out if he had even shown any reaction at all. "I saw it, a couple days ago. When we were walking to Violetta's house. I saw it when we were talking to Brandon."

Grian immediately regretted telling HotGuy everything. Yet it did feel nice, like he could breathe again, like the weight had lifted off of his chest.

He held his breath, waiting for HotGuy to respond. Waiting for HotGuy to call him a freak, that's what everyone did, so why wouldn't he? Grian looked down, down to the busy city under them. People crawling everywhere, like ants finding their way back to their nest.

The sky turned dark and stars were twinkling in the void above them, replacing the orange sunset from before. "Are you the only one who can see it?" HotGuy carefully asked, breaking the silence.

He didn't seem to be horrified, like Grian's friends had reacted in the past. He just seemed concerned. Still looking at the city underneath them, Grian nodded. Giving HotGuy confirmation that he was in fact the only one who could see it.

"Why are you only telling me this now?" HotGuy asked, a serious hint of worry in his voice. Or was he mad? Mad that his partner he had trusted with his life hadn't told him about the thing he keeps seeing? Mad because he thought CuteGuy didn't trust him? "I-," Grian didn't know how to answer. What if he hurt HotGuy?

The thoughts about what HotGuy could have been feeling right now spiraled through Grian's mind. Was he mad? Did he feel betrayed? He slightly panicked inside, his breathing noticeably getting a bit out of control.

HotGuy noticed and quickly scooted closer to him. "Hey, hey it's okay..!" He said, gently placing his hand on CuteGuy's shoulder in order to try and calm him down. Panic rose up to Grian's chest. He felt HotGuy's hand on his shoulder, it felt cold, yet comforting.

Did that mean he still dared to talk to him after confessing about seeing a black figure all the time? "CuteGuy, look at me," HotGuy said as he gently pushed Grian's head to face him, holding his finger under CuteGuy's chin to make sure he didn't look down again.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" Grian knew why he hadn't told HotGuy earlier. "Does Cub know?" HotGuy asked after realizing CuteGuy wasn't going to answer his previous question.

Grian shook his head, still avoiding eye contact with his partner. "Does anyone know?"

"No," Grian admitted. "Not after the first time I told someone." His wing twitched as the memories of all the people who made fun of him flooded his mind. He promised himself he would never tell anyone about it again, yet here he was. Making the same mistake all over again.

"You should tell Cub.. he'll know what to do," HotGuy said, looking at Grian with reassurance. Would Cub really know what to do? Grian was not even sure if there was anything he could do. He didn't really want to tell another person.

But HotGuy hadn't freaked out, hadn't made fun of him, right? How bad could it be to tell one more person? "Can you go with me?" Grian slowly asked, his eyes focusing on the rooftop, too embarrassed to look his partner in the eyes.

HotGuy seemed surprised by the question. "What? Do I have to hold hero CuteGuy's hand?" He teased, giving Grian a nudge with his shoulder. Grian gave him a glare, but that only seemed to make it funnier for HotGuy.

He had the biggest grin plated on his face, a faint chuckle escaping from his mouth as he saw CuteGuy looking at him with a glare.

Grian couldn't keep his angry glare on his face for long. He quickly giggled as he saw HotGuy's smug expression.

"It will be okay," HotGuy reassured, ruffling Grian's hair. Providing him the comfort he needed all those years ago, and now.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18 ⏰

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