19 | Cerise

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Cerise was having a good day.

She woke up feeling energized, attended her classes, and even had a lunch date with Isabella and Quinn. She wasn't even bothered that Rayna was there too. After that, she went home to nap before going to work.

Cerise made a stop by the cafe to get a surprise treat for everyone at the shop. Entering the waiting area of the parlor and balancing the box of assorted donuts, she was met with Elliot sprawled out on one of the white couches.

"Hey Ceri," he greeted with an overexcited wave.

"Hi, Elly! I brought donuts."

"Lemme give you a hand." The box vanished from her hands in seconds as Elliot already examined the choices, settling on a Bavarian Cream.

"I brought donuts! El has the box!" she called out for the others to hear so they could get one before Elliot demolished the whole box.

"I love you!" Chiaki's voice rang out.

"Dude, get your grubby hands off!" Alex manifested in the room, snatching the box from Elliot and setting it on the table.

"There's enough for clients too if anyone wants!" She yelled as she sat behind the desk and opened the schedule.

"Mmf, imma bust," Elliot moaned, taking a large bite from his donut.

"Gross dude. You need to eat that in private," Alex said, taking her donut and walking back to her station.

A door shut and a pair of footsteps approached the waiting area. Saint and a teenage girl came into view. As they approached the desk, Saint's acknowledging stare at Cerise drifted to the box of donuts. He slyly made a detour.

"Ooh, what'd you get, hon?" Cerise greeted the girl as she came to the desk. Everything he did was perfect, and she knew the girl was probably leaving over the moon from whatever service she received.

"Check me out! My mom let me get temporary ones for my birthday."

The girl smiled, and Cerise saw a sparkly crystal butterfly stamped on her teeth, split between her canine and incisor teeth.

"That's so beautiful! I want some now," Cerise complimented, and the girl smiled wider and nodded.

"It came out just how I hoped it would."

"You were in good hands," Cerise smiled and gestured to the box of donuts. "You said it was your birthday? Happy Birthday! Want a donut?"

A while back, Cerise was on a mission to appease her curiosity about what went on behind the mysterious black door with the gem painted on it. Saint was the only person to go in there with clients, and when they left she never saw anything different. He'd tell her the price for their service and then move on before she could ask any questions.

The clients always knew exactly what they were in for and would simply say they had an appointment with Novak. She began to assume that was the room genital piercings were done in, but when she asked Saint, he just smiled at her and pointed to his gemmed teeth.

It turned out Saint had been trained to be an actual technician to apply the tooth decor. She also learned that Chiaki was in the process of training to be able to do so as well.

Saint looked at Cerise as he bit into a chocolate-frosted donut.

"Oh, but you have to wait an hour before you can eat it," she smiled sheepishly. The girl picked a donut and paid for her service, promising to leave a good review.

"See what I do for you guys? Reviews equal more business." Cerise patted herself on the back.

Saint had at this point made his way behind the counter so he could stand near her in his usual spot. He raised the half-eaten dessert in his hand, "Thank you."

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