3 | Saint

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Saint had just returned from his impromptu four-week break, and he was ready to get back to work.

Though it was unplanned, he couldn't deny that he needed that break. He was wrapping up the end of a particularly rough work week, considering he was booked full that whole week and a higher percentage than normal of his tattoo clients were indecisive about what they wanted to get done. 

He was a man of few words, so needless to say if he had to sit and listen to someone change their idea last minute during another consult he would have simply pierced their mouth shut once he heard the words 'What do you think?' for the umpteenth time.

Hence when his mother called him with a sad tone in her voice after his last client for the night, it didn't take much else for him to inform Elliot that he would be back in a couple of weeks and to not contact him about anything work-related, except for an emergency, until he returned.

With that, he had closed the parlor, went home to pack a bag, and was off to spend the next few weeks with his family.

Now, as he parked his motorcycle in the plaza parking lot and pulled the helmet off his head he was preparing to deal with clients and coworkers alike. Mainly Elliot, whom he was hoping hadn't run his parlor to the ground in his absence.

Saint trusted his best friend with his life, but Elliot was known for being careless at times. El's personality was almost a complete contrast to his own. His spontaneity almost always earned him an immediate slap on the back of the head from Saint himself.

He hadn't told El that he was back in the area and decided to just show up at the parlor to see the state of the place for himself.

Saint hung his helmet off the handle of his motorcycle and began his trek to the doors of the parlor. Pushing the door open, he heard the bell chime above the door and the music that he knew was El's playlist drifting from the speakers.

So far so good.

He continued walking in, first spotting a man sitting in the waiting area and flipping through one of the albums. Turning his head left to acknowledge Brooke, the receptionist, he paused as an unfamiliar figure was seated behind the desk instead.

Moving until he was standing in front of the desk, he quickly examined the petite girl sitting before him. She had brown skin and dark curly hair pulled into a bun on top of her head. Light brown eyes were glaring at the computer screen, and he got a glimpse of the pout on her full lips before they shifted into a smile.

He looked up to stare directly into pools of melted chocolate.

"Hey, Welcome to Skin Deep," she softly greeted, and all Saint could do was continue his blatant staring.

He saw her eyes move over his features and took the opportunity to do the same. He didn't miss a single detail, noticing the silver stud in her button nose and the matching silver earrings that decorated her lobes. His eyes refocused on the soft mauve lips pulled into a smile.

When did I get a nymph as a receptionist? That smile...

"D-Did you have an appointment?"

The soft voice graced his ears again as their eyes reconnected. Saint quickly realized that they both didn't know who the other was. Since he told El not to contact him he had no idea why or when a new receptionist was hired.

He ran his hand through his hair as he impulsively decided to act as a client would. He could have simply explained who he was and walked away, but if he was honest with himself, he just wanted the cute girl to keep talking to him.

"Walk-in," he told the nymph, and after she asked what he wanted to get done he clenched his jaw and rolled his tongue in irritation with himself.

What am I doing?

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