Nobody's gonna believe me lol

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Okay, so there's this weird thing that keeps happening to me and people don't believe me about it because honestly, it sounds 100% made up, BUT I SWEAR ON MY FUCKING LIFE THIS HAS HAPPENED ON MULTIPLE OCCASIONS!!!

On six separate occasions, I have found random frogs hopping around people's houses. Like, I'll go 2 someone's house, and ill find a little frog hopping around INSIDE THE HOUSE. (I have a similar thing that happens 2 me with crows, but thats a story 4 another time lol)

These are NORMAL houses, it's not like there's a frog infestation in my city, and people aren't leaving their doors open for frogs to come in. In fact, i rarely ever see frogs around here. But 4 some reason, i keep finding them in people's houses!

I told my friend about it, and she accused me of lying (completely understandable, because its ridiculous and it sounds like a lie) but then yesterday i found a little frog in her house, i captured it in my hands and i showed her. She was flabbergasted.

Dont invite me over

The frogs go where i go, they follow me around 

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